The Center of Earth and Sky Read online

Page 17


  At 4:45, he locked the doors with a low growl and headed upstairs towards his poor, unsuspecting Whit.

  Whit had an office. They'd worked very hard to make sure he felt welcome and included in their home, but when he could, Whit would spread himself out in front of the fire, papers all around him. Whit said he liked to be close to them.

  He was there today, glancing up from his papers with a warm smile. “Grey.”

  “Whit.” He pulled off his sweater, throwing it aside as he toed off his shoes, growling. Whit's eyebrows rose and his jaw dropped a little and then the papers were being gathered and shoved aside.

  Grey nodded, cock so hard it ached. He tore open his pants, fisting his shaft roughly, waiting for it to be safe to devour his lover.

  Whit made a soft sound and shoved the rest of his stuff haphazardly until the bearskin rug held only Whit.

  He growled low, falling upon Whit and taking the hot, sweet, eager mouth. He fucked those open lips with his tongue, hands tearing open Whit's shirt so he could have skin.

  Whit's fingers danced over his skin, sliding along his chest and down over his stomach muscles.

  “Whit. Need you.” Grey tilted Whit's head back, sucking a mark into that fine skin.

  Whit's whole body shuddered for him. “You have me.”

  “Skin, Whit. Now.” His fingers found Whit's ass, pulling their hips together, rocking them into each other.

  “Yes ... yes.” Whit's fingers slid down further, brushing against his full cock as Whit worked off his belt and opened his pants.

  The touch made him shudder, made him cry out.

  Whimpering, Whit worked his pants off, kicking them away with his feet and then pressing close. Grey started moving immediately, cock sliding against cock, kisses sharp and fierce and desperate as he searched for his orgasm. Whit's hands slid around him, grabbing onto his ass and holding tight. He came with a cry, sliding against Whit, head thrown back as he roared.

  “Grey!” Whit sounded surprised, almost shocked, heat spraying against him.

  Grey panted, still moving, mouth sliding over Whit's skin. “Thank you. Needed so bad.”

  Whit's hands let go their death grip on his ass and slid slowly up his back. “You're welcome, Grey. Anytime.”

  He stretched, forehead resting on Whit's shoulder as pleasure arched through his spine. Maybe he'd wait to go kill Raine until tomorrow.

  Maybe the day after.


  He wandered around the cabin, hands sliding over the woodwork, eyes returning to the picture windows facing the falls again and again. There was a hint of snow on the ground, flames leaping happily in the fireplace. His Raine and Whit had driven to town for a tree and a turkey and a few last gifts.

  Grey stretched out on the long sofa, relaxed and smiling as the snow began to fall again. Yes, this was a good idea—the holidays in the woods, together for their first Christmas as a real family.

  He and Raine had spent Christmases in dozens of places once they'd left home, gone to and given party after party—caroled and danced and made love and goofed off—but this time was different, special. This time was with Whit.

  He lounged and dozed, waking when he heard Raine's laughter, Whit's muffled curses and the thud as something heavy hit the ground.

  “Grey, we need your muscles.” Whit's call was cut off and then he could hear Whit complaining to Raine. “We do too need his muscles—you picked the biggest tree they had. Hell, I think it's the biggest tree ever.”

  Raine's soft laughter made him smile, made him curious enough to get off the couch and see for himself. “So, what did Raine talk you into, Whit?”

  “I think we're going to have to put a hole in the roof, Grey—this tree has to be at least twelve feet tall. I still can't believe we didn't tip the car.”

  Grey blinked at the tree. “Raine...”

  Raine looked over at him, eyes shining. “It was the prettiest one, my Grey.”

  “But it...”

  “Is beautiful. I know!” Raine bounced over and kissed him. “I bought cider to heat up, just for you.”

  “Thank you, Raine.” He met Whit's eyes and winked. “Did you buy an axe?”

  Whit grinned back at him. “Raine kept insisting that there was more than enough wood for the fire, but yes, I did.”

  “Good.” If he cut four feet off the bottom, it might fit. Maybe. If they had a short tree stand.

  “You're not ruining this tree, are you, Grey?” Sometimes he could hear Raine at eleven, worrying about their bikes rusting in the storage building.

  “We could always put it outside,” suggested Whit, with the sound of a man who'd been through all the arguments already.

  “I'll cut a bit off the base, then you'll have branches to decorate with.”

  “Oh! I can deck the halls!” Raine's eyes lit up again and he hurried to carry in armfuls of bags.

  Grey just grinned at Whit's stunned expression.

  “You'll have to teach me how to do that.” Whit came over, standing close and raising his face for a kiss as his arms wound around Grey's waist.

  He leaned in, letting his mouth rest against Whit's. “Takes years of practice.”

  “Good thing I plan to be here long enough to put the practice time in.” Whit's lips parted, his lover's breath filling him.

  “Absolutely.” His tongue pushed into those warm lips, hands wrapping around Whit's waist and pulling him close. Whit made a soft, happy noise and pressed even closer.

  He broke the kiss long enough to whisper, “Merry Christmas, lover,” and then he dove back in, feeling the tiny snowflakes melting on his cheeks.

  Whit held on tight and opened wide, pulling him in eagerly. He could feel Whit's erection growing against his thigh, their lover always so responsive. He slid a hand down the front of Whit's jeans, cupping that sweet, hard cock, fingers rolling the heavy balls. Whit pushed a soft moan into his mouth and hooked a leg around his waist. They started rocking together; kiss growing more desperate, deep and hot and hungry. “Oh, Grey ... love you so much.”

  Whit dove back into the kiss.

  He wasn't sure when the soft teasing kiss had become need. He didn't care. He lifted Whit and walked the few steps to pin his lover to a wall of the cabin, thrusts growing stronger, coming faster. Whit slid his other leg around Grey's waist, trusting Grey to keep him up, clinging and whimpering into each desperate kiss. Grey groaned, pushing and grinding into Whit's strength. He was close, needing.

  His hair fell around their faces, Whit's hands sliding through it.

  Whit broke their kiss, crying out, head hitting the wall as it fell back. The sweet scent of Whit's pleasure rose up between them. He leaned down, biting Whit's throat as his body responded to that scent, that pleasure. Whit jerked against him, body shuddering. “Grey!”

  “Whit. Love.” He whispered against the warm flesh and then came, shuddering and grunting low.

  “Beautiful. My beautiful loves.” Raine stood at the door, steaming mug in hand.

  Whit's eyes slid open and he smiled, lazy and full of love. One arm dropped from his shoulder, opening up. “Come, Raine.”

  Raine chuckled, eyes dancing. “I did, watching through the window.” He moved into their embrace, snuggling close. “Started up the Jacuzzi in the back, too.”

  “Hedonist.” Grey took a soft kiss. “Love you.”

  Raine grinned. “As I love you, my sweet Grey. The snow looks magical in your hair.”

  “And in yours, too,” said Whit softly, hand sliding through it. “I can't think of a better Christmas gift than to spend it alone with the two of you.”

  Whit kissed Raine and then himself softly. “Thank you.”

  Grey nodded. It was a good idea. Their idea. Their Christmas.


  * * * *

  Whit snuck out of bed, happy that he'd been able to wake up before Raine. He suspected a long night of loving had something to do with Raine's uncharacteristic
lie in. Or perhaps the twins had some sleeping in together ritual he wasn't aware of.

  Whatever the reason, it afforded him the time to set up the cabin.

  First he built up the fire and set the coffee brewing. Then he set candles around the place, some scented vanilla, some ‘stormy', others still just plain. He opened his second suitcase and put all the presents on the coffee table and he spread confetti around, the small glittery paper picking up the light from the candles.

  Breakfast came next, homemade waffles a la Whit, complete with fresh whipped cream and strawberries.

  As the last one came out of the pan, he wondered if he would need to go wake his lovers. He had hoped the smells would get to them—the waffles weren't the best reheated and if he got into bed to wake them ... well, it would probably be awhile before he got back out of bed.

  Warm lips stroked across his shoulder, a low, husky voice rumbling at him. “Waffles. Yum. Love you.”

  Raine bounced across the room, giving him and Grey soft kisses before pulling out three coffee cups. “And coffee, my Grey! He's so good to us.”

  He leaned back into Grey's warmth, smiling. “Happy birthday, my loves.”

  “Mmm ... Yes.” Hands slid around his stomach, holding and petting, Grey still half-asleep. He tilted his head back, searching for one of those warm, all-consuming kisses that Grey gave when he'd just woken. Grey purred for him, eyes dozy and warm, lips open and so soft as they kissed and cuddled. He ended the kiss reluctantly. “The waffles taste better fresh.”

  “We eating at the table, Whit-love? Or on the sofa with blankets and the curtains open and watching the snow fall?” Raine's eyes were shining, hands full of coffee cups.

  “It's your day—whatever you want.”

  Grey grabbed forks and two plates. “Sofa, then. We can snuggle after.”

  “You're missing a plate,” Whit pointed out, reaching for another one. “And we're doing gifts after.” He grinned at them, excited about the presents, even though they weren't for him. He always had loved birthdays.

  “Presents! For us?” Raine bounced and Grey just pinked and wandered into the living room. Between them all, they got settled, cuddled together, moaning and rumbling over the waffles and watching the snow fall.

  “Do you have any birthday traditions?” he asked as the waffles disappeared.

  “Christmas sort of always ate it up. We've always spent it together, obviously.” Raine smiled and leaned over to kiss Grey gently. “We make something for each other. When we were little, our grandmother made us butter cake with chocolate icing on one side...”

  Grey chuckled. “And orange icing on the other.”

  He chuckled. He could just see them. “I bet you argued over which side was bigger and which had more icing, too.”

  “Grey's was always bigger.”

  “Yours had more icing.”

  “You got the first piece and the first present.”

  “I'm older.”

  “Six minutes, Grey.”

  “Yes. Older.”

  His chuckles turned to outright laughter. “Well I was going to offer to recreate your butter cake with two different icings, but I'd hate to be the one to keep this going.”

  “Oh ... orange icing? Really?” Grey gave him a long, hard kiss. “I'd let the youngster have the first piece for orange icing.”

  “Mm...” He pulled Grey's head down for another kiss. “If I have all the ingredients it's a deal.”

  He'd been planning to make them cake anyway and as long as they'd brought enough butter and had some orange juice...

  He heard Raine's happy chuckle as Grey bowled him over, kissing him deeply as his head landed in Raine's lap. He moaned happily, mouth opening wide, inviting Grey in to make the kiss deeper, while he reached up, stroking Raine's thigh. Grey took his invitation and then some, stealing his breath, black hair pouring over him like a shiny curtain. He arched up into Grey's body, whimpering. Who's idea had it been to wear clothes?

  “Love you so much.” Grey's smile slid on his lips, hand pushing at his t-shirt.

  “Bed or presents—somebody pick or I'll start tickling.” Raine's voice was full of teasing amusement.

  He arched beneath Grey, stretching beneath that long, lean body. “Your choice,” he murmured, head rubbing against Raine's crotch. “It's your birthday.”

  “If we make love first, it'll take the edge off.”

  “Presents first and we can snuggle in bed all afternoon.”

  “So bed no matter what, my Grey?”

  “And naked.”

  “Oh, yes. Naked. I love naked.”

  Oh, he knew there was a reason he loved them. “How about naked presents in bed?”

  That earned him another kiss from Grey and a happy crow from Raine. “Our brilliant love!”

  He chuckled, reaching up to slide his fingers along Raine's lips and then Grey's. “I love you both.”

  “Mm ... our own birthday present.” Grey nibbled at his fingers, levering up and then hauling them both to their feet. “Naked. Bed.”

  Raine nodded. “Presents!”

  He laughed. “I think I've finally discovered something Raine likes more than sex.”

  “Only on birthdays and Christmas, Whit.” Grey shrugged out of his sweater and sweatpants, pulling a medium sized box from the closet before settling in the covers. Raine's robe was dropped, a little square boxes fished from its pocket.

  He brought his own gifts over to the bed and then climbed out of his clothes on onto the bed.

  “Who goes first?” he asked.

  Grey handed his gift to Raine. “Raine can.”

  Raine bounced, opening the brown paper eagerly. The paper concealed a framed photograph of Whit and Raine on the Harley, laughing, both happy and ... Beautiful. They were beautiful.

  Raine looked up with tears in his eyes. “Oh. Oh, my Grey. It's perfect.”

  Blushing, Grey handed over two slips of paper. “These are two classes at that chef's school—pastries and breads. All paid for.”

  Raine crawled over the mattress to straddle Grey's lap, tears spilling over. “Thirty-three years and you still surprise me, my Grey. You still love me so.”

  Grey's fingers brushed the tears away. “I do. Always. I cannot do without my heartbeat.”

  Then Raine brought their lips together in a long, deep kiss.

  Whit felt his own eyes fill and he wiped surreptitiously at them. They were so beautiful and loved so well. He was unbelievably grateful to be a part of them.

  The kiss lasted an age and then Raine handed Grey his box. Inside was an earring, the match to Raine's—the stone in it a bit larger, but with the same fire. Grey picked it up. “Father's?”

  Raine nodded. “Aunt Kissy found it and sent it.” He touched his own ear. “They should be together.”

  “Yes.” Grey moved and slid the earring in the mostly hidden and rarely used hole in his lobe. “Yes, Raine. He and Mama should be together.”

  He shook his head. “The two of you are absolutely stunning. You make my heart pound.”

  Two sets of beautiful dark eyes smiled at him, shining. “Love you.”


  “Our Whit.”

  “Our love.”

  “Our center.”

  “Come closer.”

  “Come kiss.”


  “I love you,” he whispered, smiling and leaning forward so that they could all kiss together. Oh, their lips were soft and warm and wet and tasted like a beautiful storm.

  They melted beneath him, around him, drawing him in their need as they always did, including them at the heart of their love. Before he could become totally lost in them, he pulled back. “There's still my gifts,” he said softly.

  “You aren't our gift, love?” Raine kissed him while Grey nipped his wrist.

  He blushed and gave them each a tight hug. “Always, Raine. You needed something for your birthdays though. You first this time,” he said to Grey, giving him
the large box.

  Grey smiled at him and gave him a deep, long kiss that made him see stars. “Thank you, Whit.”

  He laughed, totally delighted. “You're supposed to open it first.”

  He grinned as Grey carefully unwrapped and opened the box. Inside was an old original camera, complete with tripod. “It's still functional,” he said softly, “and Kodak still makes the slate and paper for it.”

  “Oh...” Grey took the camera out, looking at it closely.

  Raine smiled at him, eyes twinkling. “He likes it. He may never put it down again, but he likes it.”

  “Oh, he'll have to make love to us,” he told Raine, winking. He was so pleased that Grey liked the gift. He'd spent months looking for the perfect thing.

  “Mine next?” Raine grinned and batted his eyes, flirting shamelessly. He grinned and handed over a smaller package that contained a necklace made of semi-precious stones the color of their eyes and gray and dark blue, storm-colors. Raine made a soft noise and gave him the sweetest smile before squeaking and nudging into Grey's space, showing his present without a word. He could see them as children, laughing and together, one soul in two bodies.

  “It reminded me of you both. Of the essence of who you are in my eyes.”

  The necklace was pressed into his hands. “Put it on me, Whit?”

  Raine turned and Grey held up the weight of the dark hair. He did, fingers lingering on the fine skin.

  “It looks beautiful.” Grey smiled over. “Thank you, Whit.”

  Raine leaned back into his arms. “Oh, yes. Thank you so much. My Whit. My Love.”

  “I'm glad you like it.” He beamed down at Raine. “Happy birthday, my loves.”

  “Yes. Very.”

  “The best.”


  “And then tomorrow?” Dark eyes twinkled at him as they both cried out. “Christmas!”

  He laughed and threw himself in their arms. “Can we make love until then?”

  “Yes!” Pillows went flying and he was pounced, lips and hands and tongues thanking and loving him as nothing else could.

  * * * *

  He was awake at dawn, cooking and whistling Christmas carols and admiring the piles of gifts beneath the tree. Grey wrapped in brown paper. Whit in fun, happy patterns and his were done in jewel-toned foil.