The Center of Earth and Sky Read online

Page 16

  Grey nodded, settling Whit on his other shoulder and putting the popcorn between them. “Sounds good. Cool special effects.”

  “I thought scary was the idea?” Whit fed them each some popcorn.

  “The idea is to eat and snuggle and tease and play and scream and laugh and then make love, our beautiful lover.” Raine leaned forward to kiss Whit. “The movies are just an excuse.”

  Whit chuckled and winked. “You mean like everything else?”

  “Exactly.” Grey opened his mouth for another bite of popcorn.

  Whit fed him a kiss instead, his lovers’ lips moving together with heat. Grey's hand cupped Whit's neck, tilting his head, deepening the kiss with the single-minded need that was Grey's alone.

  “So lovely. So...” He reached up, daring Grey's growl without much worry. “Too soon. We need to watch the movies!”

  Whit's face turned to him, full of laughter and happiness. “I thought you said they were only an excuse?”

  Grey chuckled and tugged him up for a kiss of his own, long and hot and buttery. Salty. His Grey. Raine melted, forgetting all about the movie as Grey tasted his mouth, opened him, took him. He could feel Whit's fingers along his back, tugging on his tail, sliding beneath his shorts.

  Raine whimpered, arching back into Whit's touch, Grey's mouth. Grey's fingers were hard on his neck, free hand sliding beneath his shirt to twist the bar in his nipple, making him shudder and cry out. Whit pushed the back of his t-shirt up, mouth following the line of his spine, exploring the nerves that lived there with lips and tongue and teeth.

  Oh! Oh! Waiting was overrated and please don't let Grey be teasing and please don't stop my Whit, my Grey! He forced his eyes open, forced himself to look. Grey's dark, hungry eyes glittered at him, wanted him. Shone for him and he could see Whit, deep inside.

  He sobbed and Grey tugged and Whit bit and he came with a cry, shuddering in Grey's arms.

  Grey lifted his head, arching an eyebrow. “Don't tell me it's too soon, my Raine.”

  He could feel Whit's laughter against his back, Whit still teasing at his skin, bringing soft shudders to the surface. He nodded, offering Grey a soft kiss—apology and pleasure all at once.

  Grey took it, licking at his lips. “I love you, my Raine.”

  “Oh, Grey. Yes. Love you.” He grinned at Grey, then turned to kiss Whit. “And you.”

  Whit smiled into their kiss and rubbed against his back. He could feel the heat of Whit's need, his want and desire hard and insistent.

  “So hungry. So lovely. My Whit.” Grey moved the popcorn and began tugging at their clothes, square hands searching for flesh.

  Whit helped Grey, removing his shirt and then his betailed underwear. Whit's own clothing melted away beneath the combined assault of his and Grey's fingers.

  Whit turned to him then and leaned up to whisper in his ear. “Grey's pants must go.”

  He nodded, fingers sliding down Grey's belly, searching for Grey's waistband. Grey didn't speak, just chuckled and arched that dark eyebrow, watching them. Whit's fingers joined his, pulling the black silk away with him. It was Whit who moaned first; bending to kiss the sweet tip of Grey's cock, tongue coming out to lick at the moisture there.

  “Oh...” Grey groaned, legs parting, and Raine bent down to lick at Grey's belly, Whit's neck.

  Raine whimpered at the tastes and scents filling him. “Oh, Whit. You smell so good together—coffee and cream at the beach—so rich, so sweet, but salty. Addictive.”

  Whit hummed at him, mouth full of Grey's cock. Raine crawled down, turning Whit so he could get at the sweet cock, tongue searching out Whit's pleasure. He got another smothered sound as response, one of Whit's hands sliding along his cheek and then back into his hair.

  He purred, one of Grey's legs rubbing against his back, Whit's cock sliding over his tongue. The sounds of the movie went on behind them, creaking and groaning and moaning and sucking...

  Whit's hips began to move, sliding Whit's sweet cock in and out of his mouth. His legs were grabbed, moved, and suddenly they all shifted. Grey's lips pushed over his cock, sucking him down. His gasp mingled with Whit's and they began moving.

  They made an endless circle of pleasure, sucking and being sucked, thrusting and being thrust into. Whit's hips moved so sweetly into his mouth. Raine's fingers twined with Whit's, Grey's hands on his ass. He took Whit deep, hips jerking into his Grey's throat.

  Whit's fingers suddenly squeezed hard and his throat was filled with the bitter salt and sugar taste of Whit's pleasure. He tumbled after as soon as Grey's blunt fingers rubbed behind his balls, jostling his gland, demanding response with a long, happy cry. Whit was making sweet, happy noises, licking at Grey's cock and balls, fingers sliding over his face.

  Grey groaned against his thighs, nipping and nibbling. “Too fast, my Raine?

  “Yes, far too soon,” suggested Whit, soft, sweet laughter in his voice.

  He bit Whit's thigh with a chuckle. “We have five movies left.”

  “Five? We're going to be exhausted!”

  “That's the plan, Whit.” Grey was tugging them back into his arms.

  Whit curled up against Grey, leg thrown over his, hand sliding over his waist. “How come they always go back in to the scariest section of the house they can find in these things?”

  “Because they're scared and the psychology...” Grey's finger brushed over his lips.

  “It's in the script, Whit.”

  Whit chuckled, hand moving in slow circles above his hip. “Were those candy apples I saw you bring in?”

  Raine nodded and reached over, grabbing an apple with one hand and chocolates with the other. As he handed them over, someone screamed and a head went rolling across the screen. He winced, hiding his head in Grey's shoulder.

  Whit snuggled close and pulled up the covers, Raine put the popcorn back between them. The lights were dimmed; someone opened a soda.

  “Happy Halloween,” Whit whispered. Thirty-nine times. But each time was accompanied by a kiss, so that was all right.


  They let him brush their hair.

  Whit could do it for hours, sitting on the couch with either Raine or Grey on the floor between his legs as he drew the brush through the long dark hair again and again.

  It was mesmerizing. It was arousing.

  It was actually maybe a little embarrassing because now all he had to do was pick up the silver backed brush and he'd get hard.

  Even if they weren't in the room.

  Like now. Raine was shopping and Grey had gone to guard against too many extravagances. He was at loose ends, so he was wandering aimlessly. At least he had been until he picked up the brush and now he was hard and on his own. He brought the bristles to his nose breathing in the earth and rain scent of their hair. The brush was an old-fashioned one with soft bristles and they tickled his cheek as he breathed his lovers’ scent in.

  Oh, it gave him wicked ideas and, on a whim, he decided to indulge himself. He stripped quickly and lay in the bed, bringing the brush with him. Slowly, he dragged the bristled side along his skin, starting at his neck, brushing over his nipples and his belly and his cock, oh and his balls and he could reach the skin beyond if he spread his legs very wide.

  Moaning, he started the circuit again.

  He heard the door open a second before the bags hit the floor, Raine's moan loud. “Oh ... Grey. Grey, look.”

  He jerked, feeling the blush cover his entire body. Sliding the brush into the sheets, he turned to them, mouth open but he had no words.

  Grey's eyes were burning, dark and hot. “Don't stop.”

  Oh ... He held the brush tight and returned it to his skin, crying out as the bristles slid over his nipple. Before it had been arousing, but now, with them watching, it was almost unbearably so.

  Raine wrapped his arms around Grey's waist, fingers stroking the bulge in Grey's jeans. “Oh ... oh my Grey ... He glows, so fine, nipples so tight...”

Raine's words and Grey's eyes, he was flying, the brush almost superfluous now. He stroked it down across his belly and over his cock, shuddering and crying out, so very close now.

  He glanced over, Grey's cock was dark, thick in Raine's hand, Raine undulating against Grey's ass. Four dark eyes were fastened on him. He swallowed hard and spread his legs again, moving the brush over the skin behind his balls and just barely stroking across his ass.

  “Whit...” His name was growled, moaned, whimpered, and the scent of his twins’ pleasure hit the air. He jerked again, bristles sliding hard over his cock and he came, seed spraying onto the brush. Before he stopped jerking, two hard bodies were against him, two tongues sliding into his mouth, hair falling into his face. He whimpered into their mouths, shivering at the sensation of their hair against his skin, the scent of them strong and true now.

  The bags of groceries waited on the floor, joined soon by the brush, shoved aside in favor of lips and tongues and hands.

  * * * *

  He loaded the film, settling on the stool and focusing on the sight before him. Whit's pale skin beside Raine's darker, both spread out upon the midnight black sheets. Four hungry eyes staring at him. Four sliding, busy hands. Two cocks—one bound in white, the other in black.


  They had played and teased, cuddled and relived Raine's need for days. Whit had come to him, whispering promises that went beyond petty worries about what was acceptable and what was not. In the end, he had promised not to lie, not to hide. To trust in them both.

  And now ... Now they were playing again, the camera capturing the laughter and need and love.


  The air thrummed with Whit and Raine's anticipation, his two beautiful lovers waiting on his words to do more than they were. He made them wait, just shooting pictures of them relaxed and sensual, wanton and waiting.

  Whit broke first, as he would have guessed, their lover not as used to such games as his Raine. “Grey ... please. Please.”

  He chuckled, eyes meeting Raine's. “His nipples, Raine. I want them hard and aching. I want to see you make him need.”

  Raine's eyes were alight, hungry mouth already open and moving before his words were finished. Whit arched up into Raine's mouth, eyes closing as pleasure painted the beloved face.

  He zoomed in, watching Whit's face, then that hard, wet flesh stretching between Raine's white teeth.

  “Oh! Raine ... Grey ... love.” Whit was babbling, calling out words as he writhed and twisted beneath Raine's mouth. He moaned softly, set the camera aside, unable to resist their beauty. He slid behind Whit, holding his lover's arms up and out, keeping Whit still so Raine could play.

  “Grey!” Whit shuddered, soft noises coming from between his lips.

  “Mm ... yes, Whit. So sensitive there, so hungry.” He shifted, rubbing against the sheets. “One day we will get you a ring like our Raine. One little nipple, always hard for me.”

  “Oh...” Whit's whole body rippled against him, the black ribbon bound cock jerked hard.

  Raine lifted his head, licking his lips like the cat who caught the canary. “Oh ... Oh, Grey ... He would be so lovely.”

  Grey nodded. “His cock now, love. I wish to see you take him in.”

  Whit whimpered, drops forming at the tip of his cock, waiting for Raine's mouth. Grey released Whit's hands, fingers beginning to work those now-sensitive nipples while Raine's lips sank over the throbbing cock.

  Whit called out, saying their names over and over. They kept the rhythm up, fingers and mouth working together as only they could, and then Grey stopped Raine with a hand. “Turn him. I want his mouth. I want to see you take him.”

  “Oh, Grey. Yes. And Raine. Oh.” Whit was turned, completely malleable in their hands.

  He stroked Whit's hair, smiling at his lover, legs spread wide. “Make me come, Whit.”

  Whit's eyes shone up at him. “Yes, Grey.”

  Raine's eyes were hot and hungry, slicked fingers pressing deep into Whit's body. Whit groaned, pushing back against Raine before his lover focused, mouth sliding over his cock and slowly sucking him in.

  “Oh...” His lips parted, thighs spreading even farther, hips rolling up. Oh, yes. Almost perfect. Then he saw the bliss on Raine's face as his heart pushed into Whit's body. There. Yes. There. Whit's sounds of pleasure vibrated around his cock, Raine and Whit finding the same rhythm as they began to move.

  His hands settled on Whit's head, moving with them, rocking up into that wet heat. Whit's hands slid along his thighs, wrapping around his hips and holding. Raine's sounds were beautiful, filling the air, arching as he drove them faster and harder. His cock was pulled all the way into Whit's throat, that sweet mouth taking everything he had to give.

  “Soon. Together. Oh ... Yes, soon.” He cupped Whit's cheek, balls growing tight, toes curling.

  Whit's eyes communicated everything his mouth was too full to say, “I love you. I want you. Yes, Grey.” He arched, heat sparking along his spine, spending himself and shooting down Whit's throat even as Raine's cry bounced off the ceiling. Whit shuddered between them, heat splashing against Grey's legs.

  They collapsed together in a heap, panting and moaning, sweat-slick skin rubbing together. Whit's head lay on his hip, breath soft and sweet against his skin.

  “Was it good? Did you like?” He brushed the soft hair back from Whit's face.

  Whit nuzzled his hand. “Yes, Grey. It was good. I liked it. You and Raine ... you make me fly. Always.”

  “Good.” He relaxed back, eyes drooping. “Love you.”

  “Mm. Yes, I love you, Grey. You too, Raine.”

  Raine's soft hum and warm answer was fuzzy, distant as Grey relaxed into sleep, sated and relaxed.

  * * * *

  He could hear Whit typing upstairs, see Grey's chest rising and falling as his heart napped.


  He was bored.

  Raine pondered food, walking, shopping, surfing, reading—nothing sounded good.

  There was nothing on TV.

  No good movies on pay-per-view.

  It was snowing and he didn't want to go out.

  Finally he just got naked and headed for the shower. Naked, wet and slick could lead to orgasm whether or not anyone came in. Orgasms led to naps, or getting to play with naked, happy lovers in the bed, both of which worked.

  He turned the water on hot and then opened some aromatic oils, spilling some on the counter, hoping the scent would spread. Candles, music, even a loud trip to the kitchen for an ice bucket and champagne—Grey was beginning to shift, the typing upstairs stuttering. When he entered the steam-filled shower, rubbing oils over his body, he'd heard the mattress creak, the sound of feet upon the stairs. It was simply a matter of time.

  They came in together, wrapped in a kiss, Grey pushing Whit up against the wall next to the shower, one of Whit's ankles hooking around his heart's thigh.

  He groaned, leaning into the spray. So fucking beautiful, his men, his loves, his life. Grey was pushing in the sweet, lazy, newly awoken way that was his addiction. Sleepy, needing, soft and purring Grey was the stuff of fantasies.

  Add that to Whit's passion and oh...

  To give them credit, they were trying to take off each other's clothes, but their fingers were stumbling and passion-clumsy, their focus on rocking together.

  He leaned against the tiles, hand dropping to slide over his cock. No wonder Grey liked to watch. They were lovely and hungry. Whit's shirt tore as Grey's back muscles flexed, the need covering Grey like a second skin. Whit's moan was heartfelt, his hands opening and closing on Grey's hips.

  Whit was going to need easy-open post-nap clothes or a bigger budget. Raine chucked, stroking himself in time with the show he was being offered. He'd remember to tell Whit. Later.

  Grey's motions were becoming more desperate, hand cupping Whit's balls for a moment before spinning Whit to face the wall. “Take them off.”

  Grey looked over at him and
smiled, the look wolfish and awake and so not post-napping Grey. Oh, evil teasing beautiful horny man!

  Whit's heavy breathing was loud, even above the sound of the shower and his hands were shaking as he pulled down his jeans, kicking them away. “Hurry, Grey. Please.”

  “Yes.” Grey slicked his cock quick, not even undressed, and pushed into Whit with a strong, powerful thrust.

  Raine shuddered, balls tightening as Grey fucked Whit hard, giving no quarter, just insisting Whit take him.

  Whit was gasping and sobbing, pushing back, meeting every thrust.

  Grey was growling, fingers twining with Whit's, teeth closed upon Whit's nape, dark eyes—oh, fuck. Dark eyes staring at him. Offering this to him.

  “My Grey.”

  Grey blinked and then those dark eyes closed. Grey's possession of Whit was beautiful. Whit was oblivious to all but the hard cock pushing into him, Raine could tell by the look on Whit's face.

  They were all moving, together, even if he wasn't touching them.

  Whit's fingers were trying to scratch through the tile and suddenly they clenched tight as Whit screamed, his musk joining the scents on the air. Grey growled and arched and he cried out, sobbing as he came, eyes full. Whit leaned against the tile, panting heavily. His eyes blinked open and he gazed at Raine, a small smile gracing his lips.

  “Hello my loves.” Raine turned up the heat, grinning as the steam billowed.

  Whit's smile turned into a grin that finished up on a gasp as Grey's lips found the nape of his neck again.

  Oh, lovely. His cock twitched, trying to come back to life.

  Whit was boneless and leaning hard against the wall, looking like he had every intention of begging Grey to do it all over again.

  That would, besides being beautiful and sexy and erotic as fuck, assure that he wasn't bored.

  * * * *

  He wanted.

  Raine had called from the conference, whispering wicked things to him, knowing that Whit was at school, that the store was open and the lunch hour was over and that he would get no relief for hours.

  Grey was going to kill his brother.

  As soon as 5 o'clock came and he fucked Whit through the floor, he was getting a shower, a plane ticket to Miami and finding the evil, conniving, sexy other half of his soul.