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Page 9

  No. No, he was going to win. He was going to make his lover come first. He doubled down and started sucking. The hand on his ass tightened, and Salem drew him closer, chin pressing against his balls.

  The world spun, and he fought the urge to scream, because Christ, he wanted to.

  Salem swirled his tongue around the head of Christian’s cock several times, then took him in deep again, sucking hard.

  He threw his head back and screamed, coming so hard his balls hurt. Salem drank him down, throat working his tip, drawing the pleasure out.

  He sobbed softly, overwhelmed with his pleasure. So good. Perfect.

  Salem licked at his cock as it slipped from Salem’s mouth, one hand still rubbing his burning ass.

  Christian bent his head to take Salem back in, even though his world was swaying violently. Salem moved with him, making it easier on him by sawing his hips, sliding his thick cock along Christian’s tongue.

  Oh, if he relaxed, if he gave in, Salem could take him and give him everything. The movement continued, Salem humming and groaning for him, letting him know he was doing good. He grabbed Salem’s ass, encouraging him in deep.

  That was all Salem needed. The thrusts became stronger, pushing the thick cock deep into his throat every time. Every thrust stole his breath, but he held on, relaxing his throat as he fought not to panic.

  “Soon,” Salem grunted, fingers digging hard into his asscheek. The sting made his ass clench, and he buried his nose in Salem’s pubes. They smelled amazing—musky and male and so Salem.

  Then Salem called out his name and spunk poured down his throat. Chrissy swallowed convulsively, drinking his lover down. Salem patted his head with one hand, his ass with the other.

  “Sweet boy. So good.”

  The praise made him hum, made him warm, down to the bone.

  “Come back up here.” Salem tugged at his arm.

  He blinked sluggishly, following that touch. Once they were face-to-face again, Salem wrapped around him.

  “That was amazing.” He buried his face in Salem’s neck.

  “It was. You are.” Salem kissed the top of his head.

  He shook his head. He wasn’t. He was a fuckup.

  “Don’t disagree with me, boy.”

  “I—I’m so tired.” Like in his soul. But he was happy too.

  “You can rest now, Chrissy. I’ve got this. I’ve got you.”

  “I’m so sorry. I’m trying to be strong. I swear.”

  “Stop apologizing and start listening. You don’t have to be strong right now. Daddy’s got you.”

  He nodded and sighed, leaning hard. He could handle this. He could breathe.

  “Good boy.” Salem sounded so… proud? of him. And the man was so warm.

  He had to accept it. Had to. He was too worn to do anything else.

  Salem watched Chrissy devour a stack of pancakes like he hadn’t eaten in a week, and it made him glad he’d doubled up on both bacon and sausages. His boy was not great at taking care of himself. Lucky for Chrissy, he had a Daddy now.

  He munched on some bacon, trying to distract himself from the fact that they were waiting on a call back from the testing. His boy had been sure, determined that he not take any chances. He loved that care, the proof of Chrissy’s love for him.

  He took a sip of his Coke and considered a sausage. What he wasn’t doing was willing his phone to ring. Nope, not him.

  “The pancakes are amazing this morning. Seriously. You want a bite?”

  “I do.” He leaned forward and opened his mouth. Chrissy could feed him.

  “Baby bird!” Chrissy teased, feeding him a healthy bite, the syrup soaking the pancake.

  He tried not to chuckle because he didn’t want to choke, especially on the wonderful pancake. “Delicious,” he told Chrissy once he’d swallowed. “And there’s very little baby bird about me.”

  “You think? You don’t feel teeny?”

  He’d never seen Chrissy tease and play like this.

  It made him laugh, reach out, and rub Chrissy’s cheek, then his arm. “I don’t feel teeny at all.”

  “You don’t feel teeny to me either. Not at all.” Chrissy wiggled, rocking that spanked ass on the hard chair.

  He’d known that Chrissy would take to being a sub like a duck to water.

  Chrissy winked at him, then rolled his eyes at himself. “I’m a dork.”

  “We both are. But that’s what makes it okay.”

  “Yeah, I hope so. I don’t know.”

  “It’s all going to be okay. I promise.” His phone buzzed and he grabbed for it. “Hello, this is Jerusalem Fuller.”

  “Mr. Fuller. I have your results. Everything for you and your partner is negative.”

  He couldn’t have stopped his smile if he’d wanted to, so there would be no teasing Chrissy about this. “That’s wonderful news, thank you.”

  “Of course. Congratulations.”

  The phone went dead, and Chrissy caught his eyes.

  “All good?”

  “All good. Eat up, boy. I have plans.” Plans involving lots of come.

  Chrissy stopped, fork halfway to his lips, mouth open and so kissable. “Plans?”

  “Uh-huh.” He glanced around, then leaned in. “You remember what we were talking about this morning? About filling you with my spunk and plugging it inside you.”

  Chrissy’s fork fell to the table. “Oh damn…”

  “Does that mean you’re finished?” He pulled a few bills out of his wallet.

  “Are you? You need me to pay my half? I can.”

  “I am. And I’ve got this one.” He grabbed up the last two pieces of bacon and ate them on the spot. Now he was done.

  “Thank you. It was good.” Chrissy was still just staring at him.

  “Are you sure you’ve had enough?” He was just waiting for the word, and then they’d be off. He was going to try not to run the half-dozen blocks home, but it would be a close thing, he was sure.

  “I’m done. I’ve never gone without a rubber before.”

  “Neither have I.” He’d known for a long time it would be Chrissy or no one. Standing, he held a hand out to his boy. “Let’s go home.”

  “Okay.” Chrissy blinked at him, then took his hand and stood. “I’m nervous. Excited. Both.”

  “I think those are good things to be, given the situation.” He was excited himself. Not nervous, because he’d been thinking about it so long, but his nerves were definitely on fire.

  “Yeah. Yeah, we ought to be excited, maybe a little nervous.” Chrissy walked out into the sunshine with him.

  “So what are you nervous about?” He’d bet that talking about it would calm his boy’s nerves.

  “That you won’t like it. Me.”

  “I love having sex with you with a condom, so I can only imagine that I’m going to love having sex with you without a condom and I already love you, so that’s a no-brainer.”

  “Yeah.” Chrissy went bright red and bumped their shoulders together.

  He bumped back. “You need to worry less. Let your Daddy take that on for you.”

  “Does it really work that way? Aren’t you going to get tired of me?”

  “No, I’m not. And it works any way that we want it to. We make the rules.”

  “No more spankings?” Like Chrissy really wanted that.

  “You wouldn’t be very happy if there were no more spankings.”

  “I wouldn’t? You sure?”

  “Yeah, I’m pretty sure. You got off on it, boy. You liked knowing you had Daddy’s full attention.”

  “I—” Chrissy shivered visibly, and he didn’t even hide that reaction.

  “It’s okay to like it. It’s okay to need it. I’m here for you.” They were almost home and he felt his eagerness increase.

  “What are you getting out of this, man? Seriously?”

  “Seriously? I love you. I get to be your Daddy. That’s… everything.” He knew Chrissy didn’t think he was a prize, but
Salem thought he was—knew he was.

  “I’m never this lucky. Never.” Chrissy grabbed his hand and squeezed.

  He held on as they walked. “Then maybe it’s about time that your luck changed for the better.”

  “Maybe. I always figured…” His boy curled into himself.

  “You always figured what?” He didn’t want Chrissy to feel like he needed to censure himself.

  “Nothing. I was just thinking aloud.”

  “I’d still like to hear the end of your thought.” He knew one day Chrissy would realize he was important, that he mattered, but until that happened, Jerusalem would keep working toward it.

  Chrissy shrugged. “I must be paying for something I did in my last life. Something big. Something awful.”

  “Or maybe you were just advance balancing things—because from here on out, your life is going to be wonderful.” He was going to see to it.

  “Pollyanna.” That thought pleased Chrissy, though, he could tell.

  “There are worse things to be called.” He brought Chrissy’s hand up and kissed the knuckles. “I can see the house. Once we’re there, I’m hustling you into the bedroom.” He didn’t want to have to wait. They’d both waited long enough to do this.

  “You don’t want to watch TV?”

  He swatted Chrissy’s ass as they went up the walkway to the house. Brat.

  “No spanking!”

  Jerusalem could smell his boy’s arousal.

  “You keep saying that like it’s going to make a difference.” He offered Chrissy the key to open the door—he’d have to have one made for his boy. Then he hit Chrissy’s ass again.

  “No spanking, dammit?”

  “Now that is just going to earn you extra swats for language.”

  “This is a crazy game we’re playing together.” Chrissy unlocked the door and opened it.

  “It’s our life, Chrissy.” He hustled Chrissy inside, barely giving his boy a chance to grab the key out of the lock before he closed the door. “And don’t tell me it doesn’t turn you on.” He slid his hand down to cup Chrissy’s cock, not at all surprised to find his boy already half hard. “Someone’s looking forward to barebacking.” And the rest of what he had planned.

  Chrissy didn’t answer, but he didn’t have to. It was as plain as the cock in Jerusalem’s hand.

  Grinning, Jerusalem led Chrissy to the bedroom. He walked backward, gaze locked with Chrissy’s, letting his anticipation and his desire show in his eyes. Chrissy followed him, quiet and steady as they walked.

  He waited until they’d gotten to the bed before asking, “You want to choose the plug, boy?”

  “What? No!” Oh, that was a dangerous answer.

  “Are you sure? If you don’t, I get to choose any one I want.” And he had quite the collection.

  “I don’t want to pick. You said you’d do it.”

  “Yep. I’ll do it.” He gave Chrissy his most wicked grin. He wasn’t going to be too wicked, though. Not this time anyway.

  “Yeah?” There was a wealth of relief in his boy’s expression.

  He kissed the top of Chrissy’s head. “I’ve got you.” He did.

  He went to the extra wardrobe in the room and opened it up. This was where a lot of his toys lived. “I want something that’s a decent size. I want you to know it’s in there.”

  Chrissy moved to the bed, sitting down gingerly to remove his shoes.

  “Are you watching me choose, boy?”

  Chrissy shook his head. “I’m not. Should I?”

  “I’d like you to get an idea of my collection.” He pulled one down from the shelf. It was fairly plain but had a good heft to it.

  “You have a collection? For real?” Chrissy blinked at him, then grinned. “You’re amazing.”

  “Of course I am.” He winked to take the arrogance out of his words.

  “And a kinky perv,” Chrissy added.

  “Absolutely. I think it’s my best quality.” He put that plug back and took out one that was a twisty-turvy and made sure Chrissy could see it.

  “Whoa…that’s beautiful.” Now that was wonderful and unexpected.

  “Isn’t it?” He brought it over to Chrissy so his boy could touch and admire from close up.

  “It is.” Chrissy looked up at him. “Can I touch it?”

  He held it out. “Of course. Take it. Explore it.”

  “Thank you. It’s heavy, but so smooth. You’d feel that all the way inside you.”

  “And the twists will make the sensations even bigger.” This wasn’t the one he’d planned to use, but maybe he should, given Chrissy’s fascination. “Do you use a dildo on yourself, boy?”

  Chrissy shook his head. “I lived with seven guys. It wasn’t a place for privacy.”

  “We’ll have to make up for that. We’re going to start with something a little less intense, though.” He took the plug back and got a different one. This one was heavy, medium length. It wasn’t nearly as pretty, but Chrissy would feel it.

  “It’s going to be intense anyway. This is the first time for both of us.”

  “Yeah. But this plug will be less intense to leave in than the other one. Don’t worry, we’ll eventually do them all.” He brought the plug over, leaving it on the side table.

  “How long do you want it in?” Chrissy kept stealing peeks at it.

  “For a few hours. I want to watch you sitting with it.” Or not sitting, or sitting delicately. Any of those would be great—knowing Chrissy was feeling his plug and his seed deep inside. “I want to know you’re full of me.”

  Chrissy stared at him, wide-eyed, just desperate for him, and didn’t he soak that in?

  “You ready to start, boy?” He was holding back from just pouncing. He wanted to savor this moment.

  “I am.” The two words were painfully simple, straightforward.

  “Good.” He brought their mouths together, moaning the moment their lips met. His. This boy was his, and Jerusalem intended to make him happy.

  Cupping Chrissy’s face, he deepened the kiss, leaning over his boy as he tongue-fucked the slightly maple-flavored mouth. His world was focused on filling his boy up, slamming into that well-loved ass and taking it.

  He slid his hands down along Chrissy’s back, heading for that ass. He grabbed hold of it, one cheek in each hand and squeezed. It was still hot under his fingers, and he’d bet it was still pink from this morning’s spanking. He wanted to spank it again, to make sure Chrissy really felt it when he fucked his boy. “I want to warm your ass again, boy. Daddy needs to whip that pretty hole.”

  “Oh God…” Chrissy blinked up at him, pupils huge, burning.

  “Yeah, I know just what you need, boy. Get naked and on your hands and knees in the middle of the bed. I’ll get the crop.” His voice had gone all husky, betraying his need.

  “I—Yeah. Okay. You’ll make it good?”

  “Daddy’s going to make it amazing for his boy.” He kissed Chrissy again, hard, and then went back to the wardrobe to grab the crop.

  The mattress made a soft shifting sound as Chrissy stood, and then shuffling as Chrissy removed his clothes. Good boy.

  He grabbed hold of the crop and slapped it across his palm a few times, the room ringing with the noise.

  “That doesn’t sound friendly…” Chrissy stood there, jeans in his hand.

  “I’m just going to use the doohicky on top to flay your sweet little hole.”

  “Doohicky?” Chrissy slipped under the covers.

  He frowned at his boy. “The little flap thing at the end of the crop. That’s not what I asked you to do.”

  “I’m a little wigged,” Chrissy confessed.

  “Good boy. For telling me.” He stripped down quickly and slipped under the covers with Chrissy, taking his boy in his arms.

  Chrissy pushed right into his chest, wrapped around him, and held on tight. He pressed a kiss on top of Chrissy’s head.

  “Sorry. I needed a hug.”

  “You can always
ask for what you need, boy.”

  “I’m scared of this. I’m scared I’ll like it.”

  “You’re going to love it. And I’ll be right here with you through it all, each new discovery, each swat, each binding. All of it. I promise.” They had so much to learn about each other. He loved that they’d already started.

  “I believe you. I swear. I’m just…I just needed you.”

  “A boy always needs his Daddy.” He rubbed them together, reminding Chrissy they had bodies that liked each other, a lot.

  “A-always…” Chrissy groaned softly, one leg sliding up alongside his. “I love how this feels, man.”

  He nodded. “Sexy. Hot. Right.”

  He wanted to sink into his boy, right now, and bury himself into the sweet heat, but first, he was going to warm Chrissy’s ass, his hole.

  “Okay, boy—Daddy needs you on your hands and knees now.” He didn’t wait for an argument; he simply helped his boy move onto hands and knees.

  He rubbed Chrissy’s ass first, gauging how hot it still was, how much more his boy could take before it was too painful—that wasn’t a place he was looking to reach today. No, he just wanted to warm it a bit more, and add the ache to Chrissy’s sweet hole.

  Fortunately, it was barely pink, no bruises, no redness, no marks. Excellent. They could do this.

  He laid down the first line from the crop across both cheeks.

  “Oh!” Chrissy surged forward, his eyes going wide.

  Jerusalem nodded. “You can feel that, eh?” He laid another swat down, this one crossing the first on Chrissy’s left buttcheek.

  “I don’t want to do this…” Chrissy groaned, his toes curling as he rocked forward.

  “I think you don’t like the idea of it, but you’re loving the feeling of it.” He hit Chrissy’s ass with the crop another time, then spread Chrissy’s asscheeks apart and tapped the tight little hole.

  “Oh. Oh fuck…” Chrissy’s eyes were wide, shocked.

  “Yeah. That’s coming, boy.” He hit Chrissy’s hole a couple more times, watching the little flap at the end of the crop make contact.

  “I-I can’t do this. I can’t.”