The Center of Earth and Sky Page 9
Looking at the pictures taken when Grey and Raine were “playing” always made him hard. Raine stretched out, tied up, blindfolded, gagged. Raine with his ass in the air, filled with a plug, the end clearly visible in the pictures, Raine on his back, arched, cock dark red, wet, tied with black leather, held in abeyance. Raine's face in orgasm. Raine's cock in orgasm.
Grey knew how to capture the nuances, the things that made the pictures more than just pornographic. At the same time, they were very, very sexy and sometimes, when he was alone in the loft apartment, Whit would walk along the wall, looking at the pictures, and get hard.
Today he was focused on one of Raine tied spread eagle on his back, cock bound, mouth gagged. Whit rubbed at his cock through his cargo pants, moaning softly. It wasn't the muscles or cock or toys that made this picture hot. It was the look in Raine's eyes.
Want. Need. Submission. Patience.
He slid his free hand up the front of his t-shirt, finding his own nipples and pinching them lightly. He moaned.
“Beautiful.” Grey's voice was low, firm, and the familiar click-whir of the camera shutter sounded. “Don't stop, Whit. Show me.”
A shudder went through him and he licked his lips. He took a deep breath and let the sound of the camera fade into the background, went back to looking at the picture of Raine that had him so hard and wanting.
He opened his pants, unzipping them but not taking them off, just giving himself better access. He moaned again as he took his cock in his hand, fist moving up and down along the hot, hard flesh. He'd never worn a cock-ring, wondered how it felt, would wearing it hurt, feel strange, or would it put that same look as Raine wore into his own eyes?
He bit his lip, fingers sliding across his chest to pinch at his other nipple.
Grey's breath was harsh and Whit could feel his eyes, his hunger. Those eyes were so like the pair in the picture, looking out at him. They were mirrors of each other and yet so different.
His own eyes closed, pleasure making his lids heavy.
“So beautiful, my Whit.” Raine's voice slid around him, slid beneath his skin. “Oh Grey, will there be pictures of our Whit to match mine?”
“Yes, Raine.” Needy. Low. Growling.
“All of them. Will we discover the texture of leather against that skin?”
“Silk, Raine. Cream and blood-colored silk.”
Whimpering, he came, body arching, seed spreading over his hand. That was the one thing the pictures could not capture—those silk and sandpaper voices.
Raine's mouth appeared from nowhere, tasting and feeding from his cock—he knew it was Raine. Only Raine started licking before sucking. Only Raine wore his hair down during the day. Only Raine made soft, needy, whimpering noises.
He could see Raine in his mind's eye, saw him as he was in the picture, tied up, bound, gagged, eyes so expressive, so full of everything he was. His hand slid over Raine's face, stroking the smooth cheeks.
Raine nuzzled into his hand, lips sliding over his cock, cleaning him, tasting him, loving him.
All the while, the shutter clicked, Grey watching, recording.
He let his eyes open slowly, seeing first the picture of Raine on the wall and then looking down into the real thing, Raine's eyes dark and passionate and full of love. That look was a physical touch, making him shudder and moan, cock twitching.
Raine purred, the vibrations moving through him. Those eyes were smiling at him, warm and happy. Hungry.
He shrugged off his shirt and slid his hands down along his own body, preening for Raine, for Grey with his camera, who he still hadn't seen.
He hadn't ever believed he was beautiful—not until he'd seen Grey's photographs of him and Raine together, loving each other. Coffee and cream. Contrasts and planes and angles and passion captured.
He had learned himself in through Grey's eyes, in Grey's pictures.
The sound of the camera stopped, Raine stood, and Grey moved into their embrace. The kiss was hot, flavored by him and coffee and passion and love. Two tongues played with his, two flavors, two men, to wrap his tongue around, his arms around, his life around. And that put him right where he wanted to be.
* * * *
He was sleeping, sound asleep, happy asleep. Really, really, really asleep.
Really asleep except there was somebody's tongue trying really, really hard to wake him up.
“Sleeping.” He growled, or tried to, but it came out as a purr, soft and warm and sleepy.
“Dreaming,” said a voice, soft and sweet against his ear, and then that tongue was back, circling his ear and sliding down his neck.
“Mm ... good.” He stretched and hummed, shivering as a warm hand slid over his belly. He loved this part—where he didn't know if it was Monday or Saturday or morning or evening. All he knew was pleasure and love and warm relaxation.
Hand and lips slowly moved toward each other, meeting at his nipples.
“So sweet, so warm, my Grey. Those waking kisses are magic and we needed them.” Raine's voice always looked like flashes of blue behind his eyes.
“Yes, my heart. One for me and one for our sweet Whit.” A tongue swiped over his nipple. “Will you share your kisses with us, our love?”
“Thank you,” that voice was Whit's, rich green, and it was Whit's lips that covered his, warm and soft and tasting of sweet wine.
Oh ... not morning then. He purred, turning towards Whit and wrapping around the warm, soft body. His Raine snuggled against his back and licked his ear, whispering delicious perversions as his lips opened for Whit.
Whit's tongue slid between his lips, moving through his mouth in a thorough exploration. The warm body pressed and wriggled against him.
“Mm ... naked. Like naked.” He pushed into the kiss again, hands wrapping around Whit's ass and pulling the sweet body tight. Whit chuckled, legs wrapping around him. Whit curled and Grey found his cock rubbing against a slick crack.
“Need you,” whispered Whit.
“Oh.” His hips pressed forward, hands moving to pull Whit's tight, slick heat onto his cock. “Ready for me...”
Whit's moan met his penetration. “Yes ... oh Grey ... so full.”
“I did that, slid my fingers inside him while he sucked me. He was so tight, so needy, but I made him wait for you, sweet Grey, for your strength, your cock.” Raine's voice made him groan, Whit's tongue made his toes curl.
He started moving, pushing deep and strong, filling Whit deep, making his lover feel.
Gasping and whimpering, Whit pushed sweet sounds of need and want into his mouth, hands sliding over his skin, over Raine behind him.
Oh, so sweet. Grapes and chocolate and Raine and laughter and...
Raine's voice slid up his spine. “Take him hard, my Grey, make our sweet Whit scream.”
Grey groaned and rolled, pinning Whit to the mattress, catching his lover behind the knees and slammed in hard, their balls pressing together and their lips locked.
Whit's whimpers grew louder, constant, sweet; hot moans that carried his name began to fill the air. Raine's hands were everywhere, voice driving him on, throbbing inside him, promises and praises and perversions living deep in his bones. He shifted slightly and Whit jerked, arching hard against him, soft gasps turning into wails, whimpers becoming screams. Liquid splashed between them, hot and fragrant, the smell of Whit's come wrapping around his senses.
“Whit! Raine!” He arched, groaning as he pushed deep, coming hard, lights flashing behind his eyes. Whit was panting loudly, hands stroking through his hair, heels rubbing along the backs of his thighs.
He opened his eyes, purring softly, and took a long kiss from Whit's swollen lips. Debauched. Beautiful. Perfect.
Green eyes gazed up at him, happy and sated and sexy. “Love you, Grey,” Whit said softly, lips curling into a warm smile.
“Mm ... love you.” He stole one more kiss from his center and reached for
his heartbeat. “Your turn.”
Raine kissed him for a moment and then turned their faces back toward Whit, silently inviting the third mouth into their kiss.
Warm, soft, but insistent and necessary, the kiss went on and on until he wasn't even sure where he ended and they began.
He closed his eyes, sinking into it, lost.
His favorite part.
* * * *
It was a long, hard week. They all seemed to fall into that category since he'd met Grey and Raine.
Long weeks by himself. Too short weekends with the two of them, exploring and loving and making each other feel so good.
Usually Raine would come pick him up sometimes around ten on Friday nights, but he couldn't wait today. Homework and tests be damned—he could mark them on Sunday night.
A glance through the gallery window proved the place to be busy so he let himself into the antique shop, eyes searching for Grey. There didn't seem to be any customers. He wondered if his lover would object to closing a little early, or hell, just taking a fifteen-minute break. He wasn't fussy, just horny.
The dark eyes lifted from the book they had been fastened on. Worry flared in them, then pleasure. Grey stood with a smile, holding out a hand. “Whit.”
He took Grey's hand, bringing it up to his mouth, nibbling on the fleshy mound beneath Grey's thumb. “I was hungry. I couldn't wait. I hope you don't mind.”
Grey groaned, free hand tracing his cheek. “Did you lock the door?”
He shook his head and nuzzled into the touch. “Wasn't sure if you were alone.”
“We are.” Grey tilted his head, leaning down to take a long, hard, coffee-flavored kiss, making his head spin.
Moaning, he wrapped his arms around Grey's neck, holding on and letting the kiss take him away. He was hard and whimpering, just from a single kiss—he needed this, needed it so badly. Grey's hands found his ass, pulling him close, pulling their bodies tight together. Grey's cock was thick, hard, ready for him, pushing against the thin cotton slacks.
Oh yes, this was why he'd come. He rubbed against Grey, his urgency increasing. Too long, it had been five whole days since he'd touched his lovers. Too long.
If anything Grey was as hungry, pushing harder, closer, tongue thrusting deep. They took a few steps, ending at the wall, Grey pressed hard against him, hips grinding, fingers gripping tight. Whimpering, he ran his hands down the long back, grabbing Grey's ass and pulling him closer, tighter. He wanted to crawl right out of his skin and into Grey's.
Grey was groaning now, low, hungry sounds that meant his lover was close, desperate, needy. He insinuated his hand between them, pulling at Grey's belt as he hooked one leg up over the back of Grey's thigh. Grey started pulling at his shirt, tugging it out of his waistband, fingers sliding over his skin, stroking his belly.
He gasped, fingers slowing for just a moment and then he was tearing apart the top button of Grey's pants and pulling down the zipper. His hands found the long, thick cock and circled it as he moaned.
“Yours, too.” Grey's fingers found his slacks and tugged them open, grunting as their cocks met between their hands, hot and hard together.
“Oh God, oh Grey!” He gasped again, trying to find his breath, trying to slow down, but he couldn't so he just wrapped his hand around their cocks and pushed with his hips.
“Yes.” Grey's hands were hard on his ass, driving them together, rutting against the wall, intensity blazing.
He moaned loudly, head lifting for a kiss. Grey's lips crashed down onto his, opening him, tasting him, taking him.
It was all he needed. Feeding his cries into Grey, he came, body shuddering hard. It wasn't long—not even long enough for his aftershocks to fade before Grey's heat splashed against him, Grey calling out with a low, husky cry.
He shuddered again, tongue sweeping through Grey's mouth, his skin all shivery and sensitive. Grey's kiss eased, but didn't fade, stayed deep and intimate, not letting their hunger fade. He wrapped his other leg around Grey's leg, trusting his lover to keep them upright as he climbed.
Grey's hands held him up, hooking under his ass, those full lips smiling against him, the scent of Grey's hair increasing as it fell around his hands.
“I miss you so much,” he murmured against Grey's lips. “You and Raine. During the week its like a part of me is missing.”
“Yes. We set your place at the table at night, hoping you'll come.”
“Oh...” He buried his face in Grey's neck. The scent there distracted him and he started to lick, murmuring absently. “What are you going to do today, Grey? I already came.”
“He's going to take you upstairs and give you a nice long, hot bath, our sweet Whit. Then you both can either dress for the opening tonight or you can make love until I'm done and then I'll join you.” Raine's voice was warm, happy. “You look beautiful together, but you should have locked the door, Grey. It might not have been me.”
Grey chuckled against his lips, fingers squeezing. “That was my fault—I distracted him.”
“Mm ... I can see why.” Raine moved up behind Grey, kissing the strong jaw before taking Whit's lips in a happy, welcoming kiss. “Our sweet Whit. We missed you.”
“I missed you, too,” he answered rather breathlessly, after their kiss. He was hard again, need still driving him. “Need you. Need both of you,” he murmured, rubbing against Grey.
“Is he hard, my Grey? Does he want more?” Raine's lips tickled Grey's dark skin, the older twin flushing, pushing Whit against the wall. “I can smell you two, sweet and strong. I opened the door and knew what I'd find. My lovers, hot and hard, covered in come, sensual and lovely and mine.”
“Oh. Raine. Yes.” Grey was shivering, a low growl sounding.
Whit found himself moaning, holding tight to Grey. He slid his hand through Grey's hair and then through Raine's, loving the heavy silk.
“Love how he touches us, Grey. Love the need in his eyes when he sees you.” Raine licked his ear, hands sliding down to support some of his weight.
“And you,” whispered Whit. “Need you, too, Raine.” He chuckled, the sound strange in his own ears, it was so wanton. “I had to pass the gallery to get here, but there were people inside.”
“Yes. Our sweet Whit, our lover, our heart.” Raine was rocking against Grey, looking at Whit. “Live for the weekends. Need your smile to make it home here, Whit.”
He nodded. “Couldn't wait ‘til tonight, had to come now.”
He giggled at his own pun. “Did you lock the door, Raine?”
“Oh, yes. There were two older gentlemen headed this way who would've been very surprised.” Grey snorted and the sound of their laughter sounded so good together.
“You never know, they might have appreciated the show.”
“Who knows. I did.” Another round of laughter and then Raine took his lips in a kiss. “Upstairs? Come home?”
“Oh yes. Yes, please.”
Two sets of the darkest, warmest eyes shone at him. He knew them apart now—could never confuse water for earth—but they were one heart, wanting him with them so much it ached.
Which worked out well because he wanted them, more than he wanted another breath most days.
He stroked twin cheeks, happy down to his bones.
The weeks were long, the weekends short, but the love went on forever.
He and Whit had finished their coffee, finished their bagels.
Finished their early morning lovemaking and their showers and even their quiet first morning chat that defined Sunday morning for him.
Raine smiled over at Whit, leaning over to take a warm, coffee and cream-flavored kiss. “You ready to awaken Sleeping Beauty or should we let him sleep?”
Whit grinned at him and took a kiss of his own. “We should probably let him sleep, but let's wake him anyway.”
“Yes. I love watching you wake him, watching how loose and open he is.” Raine grinned, cock firming, belly
fluttering. “Making love to him when he's waking is ... it's like magic, like a fairytale, you know?”
Whit's hand slid over his knee and oh so slowly up along his thigh. “I know.”
He let his legs part, moaning just so soft. “It's my kink. So trusting, just right then. He's ours and no one else's. Our Grey. More, Whit. Touch me, love.”
“Keep talking,” Whit said softly, dropping down in front of him. Whit's other hand slid slowly up his other leg.
Raine shivered, licking his lips. “The ... first time I fucked him, he'd been sleeping. We'd been making love for a long time, but I'd never ... I'd never tried. But he's so gentle, so responsive and he just let me in, moaning and moving on me. Oh, Whit ... Love...” He was breathing faster, words just low, needy whispers, secrets shared between lovers. Whit's eyes were shining up at him, a soft smile on red lips swollen from earlier kisses. His lover's hands were teasing the skin inside his thighs, occasionally brushing across his balls. “I didn't think anything could be better, but ... Oh, my Whit, then we found you and I can watch him wake, watch you make love with him, taste him in your mouth.” He groaned, head falling forward, hands gripping the chair arms. Whit whimpered and bent, mouth surrounding his cock, eyes still gleaming, full of heat and happiness.
“Whit ... Oh! Oh, love...” He pushed up, eyes locked on the pleasure in his lover's face. Whit went down on him slowly, tongue sliding over his cock, cheeks hollowing as Whit sucked hard.
“Silk. It's so hot, so perfect.” Raine stretched, balls aching. “Love you.”
Whit nodded, grinning around his shaft as the motion slid Whit's head up and down along his cock. Warm fingers slid along his balls, cupped them, rolled them. He started moving with Whit, fingers wanting to touch but not quite able to remember how to release the chair. Raine was burning, slow, deep, aching.
Whit released his cock long enough to murmur “You were telling me about our Sleeping Beauty,” and then his cock was engulfed again, Whit taking him all in and swallowing around the tip of his cock before pulling back up and sucking on just the tip.
“Our ... oh, our sweet Grey...” He closed his eyes, rocking up into that mouth. “His mouth is so ... so gentle, so soft. He tastes young, innocent. I can't remember him when he was innocent, but those kisses, those first kisses, remind me he was once. It's heady.”