The Center of Earth and Sky Page 10
He wasn't even sure if he was making sense, if Whit understood his passion-drugged rambling, but he kept talking, kept telling, kept wanting. Whit was humming around his cock now, pulling and sucking and humming, making his words sing.
“He makes me so hard and together you make me ache inside. Love you both so much. Want you. Oh ... Whit. Love. Soon. I need ... Oh, your eyes. Your beautiful eyes!” He came with a soft cry, spending himself into that sucking heat, head spinning.
Whit sucked him until the shudders had stopped and then his lover pulled away, smiling up at him. “I love you, too, Raine.”
Raine reached out with one shaking hand. “Whit ... Oh...”
Whit nuzzled into his hand, eyes closing, a soft humming sound of pleasure filling the space between them.
He leaned down, kissed the top of his lover's head, snuggling close for a moment, holding on until he heard Grey shift, snuffling softly. “Come on, Prince Charming, someone's waiting for us.”
Whit's laughter was gentle and fond and full of love.
* * * *
He'd been sick all week—not dying, but miserable and hot, aching and coughing, sniffling and wheezing.
His Grey had been ... Grey. He'd been kept in bed, under the covers. Copious amounts of tea and toast, garlic chicken soup and orange juice had been poured into him. He'd been rocked and coddled, sponge bathed and held. His favorite movies played on the television and one evening he'd received a long, lovely massage.
His fever had broken on Wednesday, his sinuses had cleared by last night and he'd had a good day, finally feeling well and stable.
And his twin—his growling, grumpy, worrying, overprotecting, overbearing, pain in the ass, beautiful twin—and decided he still wasn't well enough to go out.
And it was Friday. Whit's Friday and Grey had gone to retrieve their lover and supper which was his job, his joy.
So he'd gotten up, taken a long, hot shower, straightened the loft—not much, just a little bit. Enough for Grey to notice his rebellion, but not enough to make the tiredness he was feeling exhaustion—and was sitting and reading on the sofa. Not in the bed.
The smell of chicken warned him they were coming, soft voices reaching him before the door opened and there was Whit, coming toward him, arms open wide. “Oh, you're up! Grey said you were still sick enough to be in bed.”
He pushed into the embrace, meeting Grey's warning glare with a wide-eyed look of his own. “I'm much better. Grey's being silly. I missed you, my Whit.”
He ignored Grey's rumble altogether.
Whit hugged him hard, pulling back to look into his face, hands moving over his cheeks and his forehead. “You look tired,” Whit told him softly.
He was given a soft kiss. “And I missed you, too. Both of you. The weeks seem so long.”
“This week especially.” He pressed close, ignoring Grey as his brother moved around, opening take out dishes and spooning them into plates. “I've been lonely for you.”
He got another soft kiss, Whit moving him to the couch. “You've had Grey though.” Whit gave his twin an admiring look. “We should all have one when we're sick.” He was pushed onto the couch. “Or a Raine.”
Raine laughed as he bounced, pulling Whit down atop him and hugging tight. “You have a Grey and a Raine, Whit, whenever you need one.”
Whit kissed him hard. “I'm finding that I need one, well two really, more and more.”
He melted, lips parting, hungry for the kiss. He needed, needed Whit's skin sliding against him, smooth and cool, needed these breathless kisses, needed to move and explore and feel sexy and sleek instead of scratchy and sick. Whit's fingers slid through his hair, over his cheeks, stroking gently as one kiss moved into another. Melting and happy, Raine purred, whispering how happy he was into Whit's lips, fingers sliding over Whit's stomach to tease open the fly.
Whit broke their kiss only long enough to look over at his twin. “Grey? I need a Raine and a Grey.”
Grey looked over, eyes shadowed and just a little haunted. Oh ... Oh, his Grey. His Grey who had missed work and lunches and fun to pet and coddle and love. His Grey who loved him like no one else ever could. He nodded, holding out a hand. “Need you, my Grey. Not whole without you.”
Grey made a soft noise and put down the bowl of rolls he held in those strong, sure hands, joining them. Whit beamed, one arm staying around him, the other going around Grey and their kisses were now between three. Raine reached out, cupped Grey's cheek as they kissed, offering apology in the touch and receiving forgiveness in the resulting nuzzle, evening the score between them yet again.
Whit's hands moved between them, their lover pushing up shirts and sweaters, fingertips sliding over skin. Grey moaned into his mouth and he added his own need and fed it to their Whit, bodies beginning to move, to rock together. Whit made a soft, sweet sound and pressed back against him and Grey, hands moving randomly.
Raine floated, warm and relaxed, cock full and throbbing. He loved this—riding the waves of passion, feeling the build-up, the climb towards orgasm. Whit was making more of his sweet noises, fingers working on his button and zipper. Grey's fingers were hot against the small of his back, pushing up his spine. Whit finally got his pants open and warm fingers slid across the tip of his cock, teasing, spreading his pre-come.
His gasped, groaned, eyes flying open. “Oh ... Please.”
Whit smiled at him and then slid down onto the floor between his legs, tongue licking the tip of his cock, hand sliding down into his pants to cup his balls.
Grey's hand slid around his scalp, tilting his head for more of those toe-curling kisses. Whit tortured him with that warm, wet tongue, licking and taking his sweet time exploring. He parted his legs, fingers tangling in Whit's hair, wanting more. Whit hummed, lips circling his cock, sucking softly.
Grey's lips slid away as his heartbeat knelt behind Whit, pushing the opened jeans down, two fingers slicked with spit before disappearing. Whit gasped around his cock, taking him suddenly deep.
“You're going to fuck him, Grey? Make him come while he has me in his mouth, sucks me in deep?” He knew the answer, they all knew the answer, but the words set their Whit aflame.
“Yes, my Raine.” It took very little for Grey's thick shaft to be exposed, slicked and rubbed against their lover.
Whit whimpered around his cock, hands sliding to his hips and holding on so tight. Raine stroked Whit's face, his neck, soothing him as Grey filled him, stretched him wide. Whit managed to nuzzle his hand, mouth working hard around his cock.
Grey draped over Whit's back, growling low. “Tell me when I can move.”
Raine reached out, stroked over Grey's tattoo, moaning, waiting. Whit nodded, mouth moving along his cock.
Raine groaned in concert with Grey as they began to move together, all heat and wet and right. “Oh ... oh, my Whit. Our Grey ... so deep inside you.”
Whit purred and moaned, the sound vibrating along his cock, the suction growing tighter. His hips started moving in time, his moans and words telling his lovers how good it was, how much he wanted them both. Whit was bobbing up and down on his cock, ass moving back to meet each of Grey's thrusts.
Grey's eyes met his, hot and needy, cheeks flushed. “Soon, Raine.”
He nodded. “Yes. Yes, soon, Whit.”
Whit whimpered around his cock, which he took to mean yes.
It made him grin, they made him happy, so full that he couldn't hold it and he came, his cry joining with Grey's low roar. The scent of Whit's come joined their pleasure.
Raine sighed, leaned back against the sofa. “Oh ... Oh, my loves. I needed that.”
Grey chuckled, nuzzling Whit's neck. “Hedonist.”
Whit slowly pulled off his cock, nuzzling his belly. “And you're not, Grey?”
“Not at all.” Grey's eyes gleamed, wicked, playful, warm. Whit chuckled, looking back at Grey, arm tugging him in for a kiss. Grey settled close, nuzzling his belly while taking Whit's lips, black hair tangling with
brown. So beautiful, the way Whit melted into Grey, gave himself up.
He slid down, joining them, melding himself with them, loving them.
Whit purred, hands moving through their hair, eyes soft, happy. “Oh, I love you, my Grey, my Raine. It's been such a long week without you.”
“Yes, but it's over now and we're all together.” He stroked Grey's cheek, Whit's. “And we can play.”
Whit beamed at him, their lover so happy. “Yes. Let's play.”
“After supper.” Grey's voice was warm, amused. “Raine needs to eat.”
Raine started to protest, then just gave Grey a warm kiss. “Yes, dinner, then playing. So good to me, my Grey.”
“I love you both,” Whit told them, reaching for a plate.
“We love you, Whit.” Grey handed Raine a cup of tea, even as Whit filled his plate.
They were taking care of him. Suddenly it didn't seem so restrictive after all.
It was Friday night.
Whit loved Friday nights.
Friday nights he would do his grading and get his lessons prepared for the following week of summer school and then, usually around ten o'clock, Raine would come pick him up and take him to the twins’ loft.
On the Harley.
He loved the Harley. He loved the way it vibrated his ass and his balls and his cock. He loved the way he had to sit snuggled up close to Raine and hold him tight.
He was ready and waiting when the Harley pulled up.
Raine's knock was familiar and welcome and his lover was lounging against the doorframe, dressed in tight riding leathers. “Hey stranger.”
Raine wore the same thing every Friday night and it never failed to make him hard.
“Hey,” he answered softly, grabbing Raine's arm and pulling him in.
Raine grinned, pushing him up against the wall beside the door, hips pushing close. “How was your week, love?”
“Long...” He gave Raine quick kiss on his lips.
“Hard...” He kissed again.
“Mm...” Raine's hand cupped his balls. “Long and hard could be promising.”
He gasped, pressing into the touch.
“Grey is heating massage oil for us, Whit, and there is chilled wine and baklava waiting.” Raine nibbled against his lips, chuckling. “Roman bath night, lover.”
“Complete with milk?” he asked with a grin, hands sliding over all that leather and cupping Raine's ass.
“Not tonight. Tonight is Grey in a tiny little loincloth slathering oil on all the skin he can reach.” Raine giggled, hips pushing into his hands. “Then, when he's done, we get to touch him.”
“Oh ... that sounds good, Raine.”
“Yes.” Raine buried his fingers in Whit's hair, taking a long, deep kiss, sharing the flavors of berries and grapes and melon with him.
“Take me to him,” he murmured when the kiss finally ended.
“Yes, lover. Come home with me.” Raine grinned, the words familiar and full of sweet laughter.
“Are we going to take the long way?” he asked.
Sometimes Raine would drive them around until the vibrations and the rubbing made him come.
“Yes. Gonna drive until you come against my back. Then I'll bring you home, all loose and boneless and ready to play.” He whimpered, knees all but giving out on him. “You bringing a bag, Whit? Or do you have enough at the loft to last you?”
“What? Oh. No. No bag.” He blushed. “Everything I need's at the loft,” he said softly.
“Soon everything we need will be too.”
Raine could make him come just with his words, too.
“Let's go,” he said before he could embarrass himself by doing just that.
Raine nodded, leading the way out the door, leather-clad hips swaying just for his eyes. He moaned softly. He wanted to drag Raine back inside and fuck him in the hallway, take that ass and make it his own. But the Harley waited.
More importantly, Grey waited.
Raine was settled on the Harley by the time he had the door locked, the engine roaring to life underneath that sweet body. Dark eyes watched him walk down to the driveway, gaze clinging to every step. It kept him hard, made him conscious of every movement he made, made his steps flow. Nothing made him feel sexier than a pair of dark brown eyes watching him, unless it was two pair.
“Beautiful man. Come home so I can taste you like I need to.” Raine revved the engine, eyes blazing at him. “Come home and you can fuck my mouth while Grey oils you down.”
He nearly tripped over his own feet. Fuck, but Raine said the most amazing things. He swung his leg over the Harley and put on the helmet before pressing close, arms wrapping around Raine's waist and holding on tight. His cock was snug against Raine's ass, the vibrations of the bike making his balls ache, spine tingling.
Raine backed out of the driveway and drove them off, heading for the highway. They rode fast and steady, the vibrations constant. He closed his eyes, face buried in Raine's back, nose full of the scent of leather. His hands slowly moved down to hold the tops of Raine's thighs, his own hips moving slowly against Raine's ass. He couldn't hear Raine's moan, but he could feel it rumbling. He wrapped one arm back around Raine's waist, hugging the bike hard with his legs as he brought the other hand around and worked open his jeans.
He'd wanted to do this since the first time Raine had made him come on the bike. He moaned as the cool air hit his cock and then the warm, smooth rub of leather. Raine pressed backwards, the leather sliding over his cock. Grey had made love to him once fully dressed in leather, hands in leather gloves, driving him crazy. The kiss of leather and wind against his cock was like that. He moved against Raine, breath catching in his throat at the feel of it. Raine pulled off the highway, bike slowing, the vibrations increasing. He took a sobbing breath, holding on tight as everything fell away but the sensation of leather and wind on his skin, the vibrations of the bike and the smell of leather and of Raine.
They stopped at a stoplight, the night quiet and dark. Raine started rocking against him, strong and steady, sliding that sweet ass over his cock.
“Oh, God.” He held on tighter, fuck it was good.
“Close to home, lover. Come for me.” Raine revved the engine, pushing back against him hard as they started off again. He cried out, coming hard.
Raine pulled into the garage, as he was still shuddering, riding the sweet aftershocks. He slid his hands from around Raine's waist down to his thighs and then back up to his groin, still rubbing his own cock against Raine's ass.
“Mm ... you are temptation made flesh.” Raine leaned back, hips pushing up into his hands.
He giggled and moved his hands back down to Raine's thighs. “I don't know if I should let you come ... one of us has to be able to get the other one up the stairs.”
“And someone is waiting all alone for us.” The words didn't stop Raine's body from moving.
“We shouldn't keep him waiting any longer—he's got the oil.” He slid his hands up and down Raine's thighs.
“Mm ... yes. And the wine and the bubble bath and the pastries and those hands.”
“And those eyes ... watching.”
“Yes. And the weight of his need, hot and heavy.” He turned Raine's head and kissed him, his other hand sliding teasingly over the bulge of Raine's cock straining against the leather pants.
“Whit...” Raine shifted, lips open and so hungry for him. Every Friday his lovers were aching for him, one melting and seductive, the other growling and aggressive.
His cock was hard again, sliding slickly against Raine's leathers. “I'll have to clean this for you,” he murmured against Raine's mouth. Clean and work some cream into them, immerse himself in the scents of leather and Raine...
“Oh ... yes.” Raine shivered in his arms, tongue sliding against his. “Want you. So hard. He's waiting, lover. Waiting for us. You know he heard us.”
“Then take me to him, Raine. What was it you said? A
ll loose and boneless and ready to play.”
Raine chuckled into his lips, then slid off the bike and out of his arms. The hard cock was outlined in the leather and those black eyes were sparkling. “Come on, then. Let's see if you're ready to play, my Whit. Catch me if you can.”
He groaned. Catch Raine? He shook his head and tucked his cock back into his jeans, pulling up the zipper and then bounded up the stairs after his lover.
The stairs were dark and he ran smack into a hard body. His head was still swimming when he was spun and pressed against the wall. Lips covered his, hard and hot and insistent.
Moaning, he wriggled his ass back against Grey, heart thumping with excitement. His pants were unfastened, pushed down with no ceremony, and fingers pushed into his body. He was finger fucked with steady strokes, forcing him higher and higher. He clawed at the wall, whimpering into the mouth that held his captive. So different from Raine, but just as necessary.
“Tell me what you need.” The order was gruff, raw with need.
“You Grey, I need you.” He pushed back, letting his urgency show.
“Yes.” Grey's cock pushed inside him, strong and steady. Insistent. Hot. Hard. Grey.
He reached back with one arm, hand sliding over Grey's ass, pulling him closer, tighter. “Hard, Grey. Need to feel you.”
“So deep you'll never forget.”
With that, Grey's arms wrapped around him and held him tight as those strong hips started thrusting in fierce, bone-rattling motions. There was nothing to do but hold on and feel it.
It was like being on the motorcycle only in reverse—with Raine he rode the motorcycle, with Grey he was ridden.
Grey's mouth fastened onto his shoulder, pulling hard as they moved together. He sobbed, body growing tight. In no time at all he was shuddering, so close to coming. Lips found his ear and a hot hand found his cock. “Missed you. Love Fridays.”
The sound of the low, rough voice pushed him over the edge and he came with a sharp cry.