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The Center of Earth and Sky Page 20

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  Whit lay in front of the fire, naked and curled up on the bearskin rug. He adored the way it felt against his skin: so soft and sensuous. And it made him feel just a little naughty to be alone and naked and not in bed.

  The loft was nice and warm and the flames were mesmerizing and it wasn't long before his blinking slowed and then stopped, sleep pulling him in.

  Warmth surrounded him, heat lapping at him, silk trailing over his skin. “Beautiful Whit ... Our love. Our life.”

  He wasn't sure if he was dreaming or not, but then his life was a dream now, with Grey and Raine, his beautiful twins.

  “Love you,” he whispered, eyes still closed, sleep still clinging to him.

  “Yes, our Whit. Love you.” Hands were soft on his inner thighs, his elbows, his nape—touching and stroking, smoothing the dreams away.

  Well if it wasn't a dream, he wanted his eyes open, wanted to look and see his beautiful lovers with their silky long hair and their warm brown eyes and their sharp noses that always made him think of eagles. It was Raine's eyes he saw first, then, on his second blink, Grey's, two sets of warm lips drinking him in.

  “I was dreaming of you two,” he murmured.

  “Was it a good dream? Were we touching, licking? Were we hot?” Tongues slid down his belly, one up, one down.

  Half laughing, half moaning, he slid his hands through their hair. “Yes. Yes, yes. And oh, god, yes.”

  Grey took his mouth with a groan as Raine's tongue slid down his shaft, hands tweaking his nipples, his inner thighs. He whimpered, sucking on Grey's tongue, hands twisting in their hair, holding on as they sent him flying. They were naked, so much skin, muscles laid over with oiled silk, all his, all warm and wanton and wild.

  It made him feel wanton and wild himself, made him hungry and needy. He pushed up with his hips, searching for Raine's mouth. Raine chuckled, licked and took him into the tight, wet heat, lips clinging to his shaft, pulling at him.

  He shuddered, warmth sweeping through his body, making him moan. Gray swallowed his moan, lips warm and lazy, almost drunk against him—all wine and honey. He wrapped his hands around Grey's shoulders, body writhing beneath them. Fingers slid behind his balls, circling and teasing him, making him jerk and gasp into Grey's open mouth.

  They worked together to send him soaring. Cheaters—two on one. Beautiful, wonderful, sexy, hot cheaters and he wouldn't have them any different.

  It wasn't long before he was shuddering, bucking into Raine's mouth, skin flaming with Grey's touches. So much, so bright and they loved him so much. He fed moan after moan into Grey's mouth, hips busy, pleasure coiling like a snake in his belly, moving slowly up his spine.

  “So beautiful. Our Whit.” Grey's voice rumbled through him, vibrating and hot and full of need.

  He whimpered, body bucking as he came, the sound of those words still echoing as his seed shot down Raine's throat.

  Two warm bodies curled with him, rubbing and rocking, touching him and the fur. “Have a nice nap, our Love? Did you sleep well?”

  “I was dreaming you were here with me and when I woke up you were.” He smiled. “If that's how it works, I'm going to have to dream about you more often.”

  Grey hummed and Raine chuckled, the sound tickling his skin. “As often as you'd like, love.”

  “How about at least once a day and twice on Sundays?” he asked, moving between them, loving the way their skin felt on his.

  “Works for me.” Grey smiled against his throat, hand reaching out to wrap around Raine's waist, holding them all together.

  The bear rug beneath them was soft, the fire was warm and his Grey and Raine were both soft and warm, holding him, holding each other.

  He couldn't dream it better than this.


  They were back at the bar.

  The one where they'd met.

  It had been his idea. To come in on their own, him first and then the two of them.

  It had been a year since that first night.

  Only now he was sitting at the bar, nursing his draught, hard as nails and waiting. He hadn't been that early. They weren't that late. But he knew they were coming, knew he'd soon be seeing the two men who rocked his world harder than he'd have ever thought possible.

  A year later and they were not only still together, but he was living with them, a part of them in ways he never could have dreamed of.

  He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm down. The plan was not to jump them the minute they showed up and nail them to the bar.

  “One vodka and tonic and one scotch on the rocks.” Grey's voice slid across the bar, low and rich and right. When he looked, he found them dressed identically—black leather jackets, black t-shirts, painted on denim.

  Two pair of so-dark eyes met his in the mirror behind the bar. Wanting. Waiting.

  He licked his lips as everything left his head except the fire that burned between them. They were going to relive that first night, do the little meeting dance and leave together. That was the plan. There was no way he could follow the plan. He couldn't pretend that Grey and Raine were anything but the most important men in his life.

  Standing, he threw a ten down on the bar and went over to them. “Take me home,” he said softly.

  “Yes.” Together. In sync. Hungry and wanting and his. The two sleek heads nodded and headed for the door.

  The taxi was waiting for them and Raine smiled at his laugh. “The bike is too small and we couldn't wait. We hoped you would...”

  “We knew.” Grey interrupted.

  “Yes, we knew.”

  He nodded. “Of course you did.” He gave them each a soft kiss and climbed into the back of the cab behind Raine, settled between them, hands sliding over skin, unable to help himself.

  “You wore the tie.” Raine's voice was warm, pleased, fingers sliding over the heavy bracelet on his wrist. “You look so good, my love. You still glow, still make us want you from across the room.”

  He felt his cheeks heat, they still did even after all this time, Raine's words making him feel good deep inside.

  “I want to kiss you,” he whispered. “Need to.”

  Grey leaned forward with a smile, asking the driver something random and distracting, shielding him and Raine from the rearview mirror. Raine brought their lips together, mouth hot and soft, so sweet and familiar.

  Oh! It was so right, so good. He reached out with one hand, sliding it beneath Grey's jacket and t-shirt, fingers moving over the hot skin. He came, cry pushing into Raine's mouth, body shaking with passion and love, his pleasure so much deeper than skin.

  Raine's eyes were glowing, drinking in his pleasure and hunger and need, swallowing his cries. He could feel Grey's muscles clench, even as the low voice purred on, even and steady. He kissed Raine a moment longer, tongue sliding in to take as much of his lover's flavor into himself as he could. Then he sat back, blinking back tears of joy, one hand on Raine's knee, the other still stroking Grey's back.

  He was too happy to even care about the damp mess in his jeans.

  Raine's lips brushed against his ear, voice husky. “So sexy. Thank you. Oh, my Whit. Love you.”

  Grey rumbled as he sat back, trapping Whit's hand against the smooth skin. Grey's nostrils flared, eyes closing for a moment as a low growl sounded. “Almost home.”

  A shiver went through him, his cock twitching, already interested again. “Yes. Home. Oh, my Grey, Raine ... home.”

  “Yes.” Grey's growl would have sent him over the edge if he hadn't just come and Raine was vibrating beside him, aching to touch, to feel. He squeezed Raine's knee tight, meeting the dark eyes, reading his own want and need and love there.

  When the taxi stopped, he and Raine broke for the door, managing to get it unlocked and opened by the time Grey paid. Raine reached for Grey, but Grey just shook his head. “No kissing. Upstairs. We start here, there's no stopping.”

  Whit grabbed Raine's hand and pulled him u
p the stairs, running. He knew Grey was following, could feel the dark gaze, heavy and right. It was Grey's heat that turned him, pressed his ass into Raine and Raine into the wall. It was Grey's tongue that pushed deep, Grey's hands that clamped around his wrists, Grey's cock grinding against him.

  “Such need. Such hunger. My sweet Grey.” Raine's voice was triumphant, gasping.

  He would have added his own words of hunger and need and happiness, but his mouth was full of Grey. Raine's tongue slid over his ear, breathing with the same, needy speed as Grey. He had two hard cocks working him, two hard men needing him, touching him, licking him.

  His own need rose to meet theirs, necessary and good and so strong.

  “My Grey. Please, loves. Whit. My heart. Please. I need.” Raine was whimpering and Grey growled low, the sound vibrated through his body. Whit was turned, enough that they could share a three-way kiss, Grey's fingers hard on Raine's flesh.

  Shuddering, taking their flavors, the earth, the storm, sky and ground, into him, he began to pull at their t-shirts and undo buttons. His fingers tangled with Raine's, Grey's buried in his hair, in Raine's, holding them both close.

  Together, he and Raine got all their jeans undone, the front's pushed open, three hard, hot cocks, eager and solid, pushing out.

  Raine dropped to his knees, mouth surrounding Grey's cock, hot hands pulling at his.

  “Oh, God!” Whit moved his hips, sliding through those hot hands, holding onto Grey, keeping himself up as much as supporting Grey.

  Grey groaned, head thrown back, hand holding Raine's head as those strong hips pushed into wet, open lips. The sight was one he had seen a lot over the last year. It was one that never failed to make him hard and ache and want and need and come.

  He cried out, coming, his seed hitting Raine's face, Grey's cock.

  “Oh!” Grey stiffened, eyes flying open, lips parting as he shuddered. Raine pulled hard, throat working as he swallowed.

  Oh, it felt so good to watch, it felt even better to be a part of it. Leaning forward, he took Grey's lips, sliding his tongue into that hot mouth. Grey moaned, fastening onto his tongue and sucking, tiny little noises slipping into him.

  He slid one hand through Grey's hair, the other through Raine's, the heavy silk like a living thing against his fingers.

  Raine stood, traces of his own orgasm shining on that flat belly. “Bed, take me to bed, my heartbeat, my center. Let's make love until the morning comes.”

  Grey chuckled into Whit's lips, the sound so warm, so sexy. “Greedy.”

  “Me, too, Grey. Me too.”

  Another chuckle and Grey nipped his bottom lip. “Love you.”

  “Love you, too, Grey.”

  He kissed Grey and then Raine. “And you, Raine.”

  “Mm ... yes.” Raine tasted like Grey and him and sex and love. “Our Whit. Our center.”

  Grey nodded, pushing them towards the big bed, towards their big bed. He slid each arm around a trim waist, between them, surrounded by them, warm and right. It only took another fifteen minutes and a few long, knee-weakening kisses before they made the edge of the bed.

  “I want you,” Whit said softly.

  “We're yours.” Raine's words followed him down onto the bed, joined by warm hands, warmer tongues. He let his eyes close, let them love him, hands and mouths merging, losing his focus of who was who. Lips trailed over his skin, his lovers kissing and licking him and each other, soft, sweet moans and whispers raining down on him.

  “Here, Grey. Taste here.”

  “So soft, my Whit, Grey feel.”

  “Salt and sun and wind.”

  “Kiss me.”

  “Love you.”

  Love. Need. Want. Yes. Please. Whit. Grey.

  The words poured out onto his skin.

  They slid over him like a real touch, arousing, making him need and want and love as well.

  One cock nudged at his entrance, another at his lips—both insistent, both needy, both hard for him.

  “Let us in, Whit.”

  “Yes. In.”

  “Open for us, we need you, our beautiful lover.”

  “Now, love. Now.”

  He gasped, even as he pushed down onto the cock at his entrance. They filled him together, slow and steady, shafts so hot and full, making him full. They rocked together, surrounding him, taking him, making him float higher and higher as his lovers, his men, loved him.

  He couldn't think, he couldn't talk. He couldn't do anything but feel and fly and soar.

  Someone's hands slid over his shaft, pumping in time with the slow, easy thrusts, shattering him into a million pieces. He would have screamed if he could have, as it was his body arched off the bed, mouth and ass gripping tightly. Heat filled him, mouth and ass, voices harmonizing on his name.

  The perfect circle.

  And he was dead center.

  Where earth met sky.

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