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The Center of Earth and Sky Page 19

  Grey stroked his cheek. “Beautiful.”

  Raine shifted, whimpering softly. “Whit love. So full.”

  He nuzzled Grey's hand, his own opening and closing back into a fist convulsively.

  “Whit!” Raine arched, crying out desperately, so carefully beginning to ride his hand.

  He moved his hand carefully, pushing it in farther and then bringing it back down Raine's passage, trusting that Grey would not let him do something wrong that might hurt Raine.

  Grey watched them, body relaxed, eyes hot. “Can you feel our heartbeat?”

  A shudder moved through him. “I can. Oh, Grey, I can.” There were tears in his eyes and he was beginning to shake, quite overwhelmed.

  Grey sat up, touching them both, and kissed him. “I'm right here, love. Right here.”

  He whimpered and took another kiss, letting Grey soothe him. Turning back to Raine, leaning into Grey's strength, he began again to move his hand again.

  Raine keened, eyes closed, body so taut, so tight. Soft endearments and pleas poured from him, filled the room, so beautiful, so warm.

  He kept moving his hand, feeling Raine's body ripple around him.

  Grey's hands pumped his cock, Raine's, touching them together in the slow, careful rhythm of his hand. He whimpered, his own hand speeding within Raine's body as his need increased.

  Raine began to buck, crying out as his body tightened. Grey growled, rumbling low. “Make him come for you, Whit. Give him what he needs.”

  Shuddering, he continued to move his hand inside Raine, faster and faster, letting the motions of Raine's body guide him. He felt Raine's orgasm start around his hand, Raine's body rolling and shaking and squeezing tight before the long strings of come splashed against the flat, dark belly.

  He sobbed, his own body giving in to pleasure's hold, coming into Grey's hand.

  Grey held them both, so carefully easing his hand out of its tight sheath, cleaning them both. “Beautiful. I love you.”

  There was no way to know whom Grey was talking to. He was tucked in next to Raine, the covers pulled up over them.

  “I love you,” he whispered, meaning both of them, his Grey and his Raine, his twins.

  Raine's answer was a whisper, Grey's body sliding, bare and warm behind him. “Sleep, Whit. Raine. Rest.”

  “Thank you,” he murmured, warm and safe and good between them.

  “Love you.” Grey nuzzled, breath slowing into a steady rhythm, Raine already snoring softly, curled into his arms.

  He thought he wouldn't be able to sleep, what they had done buzzing through his brain, but his body had other ideas and his eyelids grew heavy.

  Grey's arm slid over his waist, pulling them all together, binding them under that strength.

  Held within that strength, in the center of them, he slept.

  * * * *

  Raine was pacing, worrying, fretting.

  Waiting for Whit.

  The antique store had been closed for two days. Grey hadn't wanted to eat, hadn't spoken a word, had taken to spending hours staring out the window and pacing.


  Not sleeping.

  It was weird, especially for his Grey. Weird and wrong and made him itchy and sleepless and, damn it, it was time for Whit to come home from his conference and help.

  He knocked on the bathroom door. “You okay, Grey? You've been in there...”

  “Leave me in peace, Raine.”

  Oh, yeah. Growling.

  There was a noise from the front door and then the sound of the key. A moment later it opened and there was their Whit, looking a little bit tired, but none the worse for wear, suitcase in hand.

  “Whit! Love!” Raine hurried over, eyes full of tears as he took a kiss. “You're home. I missed you.”

  Whit pressed another kiss on him. “Not half as much as I missed you. Hey—tears? I haven't been gone that long.”

  “No. I'm sorry. You haven't. It's not you. Honest.” He hugged Whit tight, refusing to dump his paranoia on his lover first thing. “Are you hungry?”

  “Starving.” Whit grinned at him. “But not for food.”

  He forced himself to grin back, moving into Whit's arms and holding tight. “Me too. I've been lonely.”

  One of Whit's eyebrows went up in a look very reminiscent of his Grey. “You have had Grey. I am the one who's been all alone.”

  Raine shook his head. “Nobody's had Grey. Nobody. Not even Grey.”

  Whit frowned, hand stroking his cheek and down through his hair. “What do you mean, Raine? What's wrong with our lover?”

  “I don't know. He isn't talking and he isn't eating and he isn't sleeping and he won't ever leave the fucking bathroom!” He was getting louder and louder and then stopped as the bathroom door slammed open.

  “Get a grip, Raine.” Grey snarled and then headed towards the kitchen, nodding to Whit. “Welcome home.”

  Whit blinked. “Oh. I see what you mean.”

  He got a sharp look from his lover. “When's the last time you made love?”

  Raine shrugged. “I don't know. When was it, Whit love?”

  “You didn't make love the entire time I was gone? Well no wonder the man is grumpy! How come you're not more grumpy?” Whit shook his head. “He's fine Raine, he just needs to get laid.”

  “You didn't get laid either and you're not being an evil prick to your brother.” Okay, so he was getting a little shrill. He was worried. Really.

  “He's a fucking only child, Raine. I'm going out.” Grey threw on his jacket and headed for the door, face thunderous.

  Whit beat him there, standing between Grey and the door. “Raine's right though—it's been a week since I got laid, too. We can help each other out here.”

  “Don't, Whit. I'm not in the mood.”

  Raine saw the hint of hurt in Whit's face, but it was quickly covered up. “Come on, Grey—you know you want to.”

  Grey's shoulders slumped and he took Whit's hand for a second and squeezed. “Glad you're home.”

  Raine sighed, beginning to pace. Whatever it was, it was his fault. Grey wasn't talking to him, wasn't there with him. “Where are you going, love? What are you hiding?”

  Grey stiffened up again, shaking his head.

  “He's not going anywhere,” Whit told him before turning to Grey. “You're not going anywhere, right? I only just got home. I want to make love and listen to Raine chatter and sleep with you and ... I just want to be with my lovers.”

  “I ... Raine will chatter. I'm...” Another low growl sounded, then Grey took Whit's arms. “I can't right now, Whit.”

  “Why not?”

  Raine nodded, staying quiet and letting Whit poke and prod. There was something ... He knew. Grey just stared, stubborn and silent.

  Whit crossed his arms. “Well if you don't have a good reason then I don't see why you can't welcome me home properly.”

  “Whit...” Grey's ass clenched, the growl filling the room with danger and sex and ... Oh, yes, Whit. Keep at him. Raine settled back, watching.

  “Yes, lover?” Whit took a step closer, almost touching Grey. “Have you changed your mind? Will you make love with me?”

  Grey's head dipped, almost as if he were drawn towards those open lips, heavy braid falling over his shoulder. “My Whit.”

  Whit's head turned up, mouth open, eyes focused on Grey's. “Yes, Grey, your Whit.”

  Raine was shivering, aching, hard as nails and near tears. So beautiful, they looked right together. Not complete, but right.

  It was Whit who brought their mouths together, a soft whimper leaving him just before his lips pressed against Grey's. Grey's groan was sharp, needy, almost broken as Whit was muscled up against the door, the kiss becoming fierce within heartbeats. Whit wrapped his arms around Grey's neck and held on, one leg sliding up and wrapping around Grey's waist, their Whit taking whatever Grey had to give. Grey's hips began to move, hands hard on Whit's ass. Every little cry was swallowed up, lost to the kiss.
br />   Raine slid off his shirt. He couldn't just watch. Couldn't. “Grey ... Whit ... I need...”

  One of Grey's hands was held out towards him and he sobbed, standing and moving into the embrace. Whit's hand slid into his hair, cupping his head and pulling him into the kiss. He melted, lips parting, tongue sliding in to taste them both, to ease the worry and unhappiness inside him.

  Whit was rubbing, against him, against Grey, hand sliding down his back now. “Oh, skin...” murmured Whit. “Need more.”

  “Shh...” Grey rumbled, deepening the kisses, pushing them together harder.

  “Gonna come. Missed this so much.” Whit's voice was soft and full of wonder and hunger and need. Grey's hand grabbed Raine's ass, tugging him in hard, squeezing. He cried out, hands reaching to press against his lovers’ cocks. Whit gasped and whimpered and jerked as he came.

  Grey's body rippled against his, Grey turning to take his mouth in a full, sharp kiss, so familiar, so necessary. They rocked against Whit's body for only a moment before his cry was swallowed by Grey's hungry mouth, the air filling with the scent of Grey's seed.

  Whit was leaning heavily against them both, boneless and making soft, happy, sated noises. “Oh, take me to bed and lets do it again.”

  Raine nodded, nuzzling Grey's jaw. “Yes. Yes, please.”

  Grey chuckled. “Let me go shower and I'll meet you in bed.”

  “Oh, we could shower together!” Whit's eyes were shining, like a little boy who'd been let loose in a candy store.

  Grey grinned, backed away again and damn it! There it was again. The wrongness.

  “Grey?” Whit must have seen it too, their sweet lover's voice concerned.

  “What?” Grey turned and Raine grabbed his hand, tugging him close. No retreating. Not this time.

  Whit reached up and stroked Grey's face, fingers sliding along the skin by the dark eyes. “What's wrong, Grey?”

  “I ... Nothing.” Grey met Raine's eyes, shame and worry down deep, scaring him.

  “Not nothing, Grey. I know it's not nothing.” He took strength from Whit, refusing to back away at all. “I can feel you inside me. I know you. I have your blood. Please.”

  “Grey, is he right? Tell us, please.” Whit's fingers slid along Grey's arm, touching, stroking.

  “I...” Grey shook his head. “I didn't want to tell you. Not until I knew.”

  Whit gave him a look and then turned to Grey. “Until you knew what? Grey—we love you and we're worried.”

  Raine set his lips and started unbuttoning Grey's shirt. He wanted to see his heartbeat, needed to see everything. Grey rumbled and reached for his hands, but he just shook his head. “No. You're going to talk and I'm going to look this time.”

  Whit kissed Grey gently on the cheek and then helped him, going to his knees and working on Grey's pants.

  It didn't take him long to find the bandage, the scent of plastic was strong and the white obvious against Grey's dark skin. The entire left armpit was bandaged, covered. “Grey?”

  Grey flushed dark. “It's nothing. The doctor did a little surgery on some lymph nodes there. Just in case.”

  Raine dropped Grey's arm, unsure whether to hold or beat his twin.

  Whit sank against Grey, arms going around his middle, burying his face in Grey's chest. “Benign?”

  The word was muffled, but the worry clear.

  “Yes. They called this morning. Just an infection.”

  “You bastard.” Raine was staring, a rock sitting in his stomach. “You didn't tell me? I would have gone. I would have...” He looked up into eyes that matched his own. “Why?”

  “I didn't want you to worry.”

  “Bullshit.” Raine stepped right into Grey's space, pushing one of Grey's shoulders hard enough to dislodge Whit. “You lied to me. We share a fucking heartbeat and you LIED to me! Tell me why.”

  Whit's hand slid along his arm now. “Raine...”

  “No. He lied and snarled and skulked. He hid and I want to know why.” He focused on Grey, fury filling him, fueled by fear. “Did you think I was stupid? I wouldn't notice? I have licked every part of your body. I have touched you since before you were born! Did you think so little of me?”

  He was screaming now, shoving Grey back against the wall, Grey simply allowing him to do it, not defending himself in the least.

  “Raine! You're going to hurt him.”

  “Only if I'm really, really, really lucky.” He turned and headed for the bathroom. “No wonder you wanted to leave so badly, you ... you asshole!” He was not going to cry this time. Not.

  “Raine! Grey! Oh!” Whit was torn, needing to be with them both, he could hear it in the soft voice.

  “Go with him, he needs you.” Grey's voice was quiet, defeated.

  Oh, that really pissed him off.

  “No.” He spun around, pointing at Grey. “You needed us. You needed Whit. You needed me and you didn't trust us. Don't fucking go all martyr on me, god damn it! I'm not the one bandaged. I'm not the one who was cut on. I'm not the one who lied!”

  “I didn't lie. You fret. You worry. I was protect...”

  “I swear to God, if you start that ‘I was protecting you from pain’ shit when we both know you were protecting you from having to deal with things, I'm leaving.”

  The room went dead silent, Grey's face white except for two bright spots of color. Oh. Oh, fuck.

  The click as Whit locked the door sounded like a gun going off.

  “Nobody is leaving.” There was a hard edge to Whit's voice. “And nobody's running into another room to hide. You two are going to talk about this until you're both happy. You can even yell if you want, but you're dealing with it. Don't make me use my Mr. Whittaker voice.”

  They both just looked at Whit, blinking.

  Raine shook his head, wanting to touch and be touched and see the damage under the bandage and ... “And what about you, Whit? Is this whole thing okay with you?”

  Whit shook his head and Raine suddenly realized that Whit was shaking. “No, it isn't okay—it isn't okay at all. But he's here and he's fine and more than anything I need that. I need you both here and well and together.”

  He stumbled over to the couch, curling up in one corner, refusing to even look at Grey and those worried, sorry eyes when Grey sat on the hearth, slowly buttoning up the dark shirt.

  Whit sighed and sat in the big chair. “All right then. Grey. You start.”

  Whit held up his hand. “And I don't mean by making excuses. I mean start at the start. Tell us what happened.”

  Grey sighed, hands playing the end of his braid in his lap. “There were lumps—three of them—and they hurt and didn't get better. I called the doctor, the doctor cut them out. The stitches come out in three days.”

  Raine whimpered softly. Three. And he'd never said anything.

  “Were you scared?” Whit asked quietly.


  Raine looked over, heart breaking.

  “Yes, you must have been. I know I was for the few seconds before you told us it was just an infection. I needed to reach out and hold you, touch you, share my worry.” Whit cleared his throat. “So why didn't you tell us? Let us share the worry?”

  “You didn't need to worry. I didn't want to talk about it. It was nothing—a few shots, a few stitches, a little aching.”

  Raine sat up, eyes filling with tears. “I could have been there. Driven you home. Helped you clean it. Been there, Grey.”

  Whit nodded. “He's got a point, Grey. We could have made it easier on you. You shut us out. That wasn't fair. Especially to Raine.”

  “I didn't want to worry him.”

  Raine shook his head. “You didn't want to deal with it.”

  “I did deal with it!”

  “It's not real until I know!”

  “Can you blame him, Raine?” Whit asked. “Given what it was and that it isn't real until you know, can you blame him for not telling you?”

  “Yes.” Raine nodded.
“I can. I love you. I deserve to worry with you, to fret and pray and know.” He locked eyes with his twin. “I've never even taken a single breath without knowing your heart. Don't hide from me.”

  Grey looked over at him, eyes huge, sad, miserable. “Raine.”

  He nodded. “And Whit too. We love you.”

  “Yes. We love you. And that means you don't always have to be the strong one.”

  “I was scared. I thought it was...” Grey shook his head. “I had to know.”

  “And it's not. For sure. They know?” Raine had to know.

  “It's not. For sure.” Grey's voice was soft, serious. “They know. I'm sorry.”

  “Thank God.” Whit shuddered. “In the end, that's what matters most, isn't it? Raine? Grey?”

  “I want to see. I want to see under the bandage.” Raine sat up and wrinkled his nose. “I want to shower, too. I'm sticky.”

  Grey shook his head, chuckling. “Yes, Whit. Yes, Raine.”

  Whit took a deep breath. “All right. Let's all shower together. We can all get clean and examine whatever parts of each other we want and then we can go to bed and do it all over again and again and again until we're all satisfied. All right?”

  “Whatever you need.” Grey nodded, eyes searching him out, quiet and sorry, begging forgiveness.

  “I need you, my Grey. Always. For always.” Raine nodded and took his heartbeat's hand. He couldn't live, not without his twin. He wouldn't.

  Whit slid his hand on top of theirs and squeezed gently. “I'll be waiting for you both in the shower. I love you.”

  He nodded, waiting until Whit was gone to look into those eyes again. “Tell me again.”

  “I'm fine, Raine.”

  “Again.” His eyes filled with tears.

  “An infection, only that. I swear to you.” Grey stroked his hair, breath hitching.

  “You cannot leave me here.”

  “No. No, Raine. I can't. I promise, love. I can't. I'm sorry.” They moved into each other's arms, both pretending that wanting and wishing would make Grey's promises true.

  The kiss they shared was frantic, deep, edged with a raw need that only belonged between them, only could. They kissed until he couldn't taste Grey's fear anymore, couldn't taste his own.

  Then they moved to join Whit in the shower.