The Center of Earth and Sky Read online

Page 11

A few more desperate thrusts and heat filled him, Grey shuddering behind him. Soft, open-mouthed kisses dropped on his shoulders, his neck.

  He was panting, soft shivers passing through him still, holding tightly onto Grey. They stood together, quiet and still, bodies melted into one another. Grey kept tasting him, holding him, steady heart beating against his back. “I missed you too, Grey. It seems like the weeks just keep getting longer and longer.”

  “Yes. I want you here.” Grey's voice was serious, quiet, sure.

  Whit stilled. Could Grey mean what he wanted Grey to mean? “I'm here now,” he said quietly, cautiously.

  “Yes.” Grey kissed the soft hollow beneath his ear. “I want you here always.”

  “Are you...” Whit swallowed and did what he always did with the twins, spoke his heart. “Are you asking me to move in here? Full time?”

  A second set of hands joined Grey's and Raine's voice sounded, speaking for them both. “That's what we're asking, Whit. You don't have to, you don't have to decide now. Grey and me, we've talked and ... we love you, Whit. Come be with us. Be our family. Be our center.”

  He closed his eyes, body shaking, Grey still buried balls deep inside him. “Oh...” Reaching back, he grabbed their hands, managing to get one of Raine's and one of Grey's. “Yes. I want to be here with you, I want to belong with you. Yes. Yes. Yes.”

  “Good.” Grey's forehead rested against him. “Good.”

  “Yes. Very good. Come home, you two. The stairs are draughty and the bathwater's warm.”

  “Home ... I've thought of the loft as home for a while now. No.” He shook his head suddenly. “I've thought of the two of you as home.”

  “Yes. Our Whit. Our love. Our family.” Grey's arms tightened around him again, holding so tight, the strong muscles trembling as he slipped out, and Raine's eyes were bright with tears as they worked their way upstairs.

  It was warmer inside, candlelight flickering everywhere, shining in the dark eyes. He stopped as soon as the door was closed behind them, pulling Raine into the embrace he shared with Grey, holding his lovers, his twins, his Grey and Raine, close. The kiss was sweet and familiar and warm and right and so good. They surrounded him, held him, curled around him. Loved him.

  They spent a long time kissing and then just pressing their foreheads together, breathing the same air. At length he whispered. “Lets go bathe, lovers. Let's wash away the rest of the world.”

  “Mmmmm ... yes.” Raine began to strip him as Grey's heat disappeared, his lover slinking silently through the room to pick something up off a low end table. His shirt came off, then his jeans and then Grey was back, pushing something metallic and smooth into his hand.

  He recognized the bracelet right away, both his lovers wore one. This one was different. It had Grey and Raine's names on it.

  “Oh...” He looked from one to the other and then back to the bracelet, biting his lip.

  Grey held out his wrist, as did Raine, showing his name twice over, the etching still new enough to be bright.

  “Oh...” He traced the letters, the tears he was fighting slowly filling his eyes. He held out his own wrist and held out the bracelet his with his other hand—he wanted them to put it on him.

  Grey took the chain, holding it as Raine fastened the clasp. The copper warmed quickly, heavy and right on his skin. Grey looked up at him, nodding. “Welcome home, Whit.”

  “Thank you.” He slid the bracelet around his wrist, getting used to the feel of it, the weight of it. Then he grinned. “Come on, let's go have some fun.”

  They nodded at him, smiling as they meandered towards the bath, stopping for kisses and touches and long, happy strokes of acres of skin.

  Finally they were in the bathroom. Whit loved it here. Grey settled in the huge copper tub, candles burning on every available surface. The steam and scent of herbs and flowers made the room seem otherworldly and magical. Whit let Raine get in next, facing Grey, room left for him in between them.

  It was almost a ritual, one he'd learned to follow. The water was hot, silky and scented, the huge tub holding them perfectly.

  He sat with his head against Raine's shoulder, feet sliding to either side of Grey. He wanted to see Grey: Raine would talk about how both twins were feeling, Grey wouldn't, so he wanted to see for himself.

  Grey's hands moved immediately to his thighs, Raine's arms circled his waist. “Mm ... you feel so good, lover. So good.”

  “You make me feel that way,” he told them. “You make me feel like the center of the universe.”

  Dark eyes shone at him, fingers playing with his balls, as Raine gave a sweet, pleased noise against his neck.

  “You see?” he murmured, body reacting predictably to the caresses. “Just like that.”

  “Our beautiful Whit.” Raine suckled at his neck, lips hot. “You are our heart.”

  “No,” he whispered, arching back into Raine. “I live in your heart.”

  Grey's fingers cupped his balls, pushing behind to massage the sensitive skin hidden there. “Whit.”

  He made a soft sound, one that meant pleasure and please. Raine wrapped long fingers around his cock, pumping slowly in the oiled water, moving with the slow, steady rhythm of Grey's breath. He lay there and let them love him, knowing, having come to know, that they took pleasure in doing this, in making him feel so, so good.

  “Do you feel it, my Grey? How relaxed he is? How his body knows he's home and loved and needed?”


  “So hard for us. So happy. Our Whit.”

  Grey's lips brushed over his hand on the lip of the tub. “Ours.”

  “Yours,” he agreed, adding his voice to theirs, the tiles in the room echoing the sounds, building them into a soft song.

  Magic. Being here, loving these men, being touched and needed and stroked, it was utter magic.

  He was floating, buoyed by the water and their touch, and by their love. Grey's fingers slid, slick and smooth, into his body as Raine slipped one finger over the slit of his cock, teasing him. He whimpered, hands sliding to Raine's legs, holding on as he rode Grey's fingers. When the long fingers found his gland he cried out, arching and pushing, searching for more.

  “Oh, yes. Grey, touch him there again, my love. Make him scream for me, make him need.” Raine's voice was almost harsh, broken and hungry, hard cock insistent against the small of his back.

  Grey nodded, dark head bending to fasten sharp teeth over one of his nipples as his gland was nudged again and again. He slid one hand into Grey's hair, fingers tangling in the black silk strands. He kept hold of Raine's leg with the other. He needed that, needed to touch them both as they touched him.

  His eyes closed as they sent him flying.

  Raine was moving with him, gasping and tugging and thrusting and moaning. All the while Grey's fingers pushed him, teeth sending bright sparks up his spine. He didn't want it to ever end, but as always, it was too much, too good, and with a cry, he came.

  “Beautiful man. Beautiful Whit. Oh, Grey!” Raine's voice filled the room, a hawk's cry as he shuddered against his back. It was like his own climax was extended, Raine's shudders and heat almost his own.

  Grey's lips covered his, hot and insistent, eyes flashing.

  He opened his mouth with a moan, spreading his legs wider, waiting and wanting Grey's heat to fill him.

  “Whit. Want you.” Grey's cock nudged at his balls, teeth nipping at his bottom lip.

  He nodded. “Yes.”

  Opening his mouth wide, he pulled Grey back in for another long kiss. Heat filled him, pushing deep as Grey's tongue thrust into his mouth.

  Grey pushed him back against Raine, sandwiching him in between the two of them. He was filled and surrounded by them. Raine's fingers found his nipples, mouth fastening around his shoulder with a cry. There was no way he could get it up again. No way. He'd come three times already. Grey's thrusts pegged his gland over and over again and he groaned, body starting to shake as his cock proved that oh yea
h, with these two, anything was possible.

  His twins moved against him, water splashing, bodies sliding and needy and oh ... Raine's hands found his cock, tugging and petting and bringing it back to life. His hands slid over Grey's water and oil slicked skin, cries leaving him as they all rocked together.

  “Coming. Whit. Our Whit. Our love. Our home. Whit!” Raine's voice whispered, ached, rang in his ears. Grey's low growl answered, eyes wild and needy.

  He nodded. “Oh yes. Please.” Together, let them come altogether this time.

  The motions rose to a fever pitch, heat climbing higher and higher, desperation visible in the curve of Grey's spine. His own body grew taut against Raine and he shook so hard, fingers digging into the skin of Grey's back. Heat filled him, splashed against him, two voices filling the air with cries.

  His own joined them as his cock throbbed.

  Gasping, limp and boneless, he lay against Raine, holding Grey close. His twins purred around him, floating and lazy, periodically, someone's hand would touch his bracelet, bump it.

  It felt solid but not heavy. Good. And it meant he really was theirs.

  It made him smile.

  The heartbeats cradled him between them, though. Those meant he was home.

  * * * *

  It wasn't so hard getting up out of their bed Monday morning. It wasn't so hard leaning over and giving them each a soft kiss and then heading to the shower to start getting ready for work.

  It wasn't so hard because this morning he wasn't just getting out of their bed; he was getting out of his bed too. He lived here now. He was really a part of them now. Not that he hadn't been last week or the week before that, but now it was official. Now they'd acknowledged it. All of them had voiced that truth.

  He stepped into the shower, hot spray waking him slowly, hitting his face and his chest and his stomach and his thighs and his cock. It felt good, sensuous, and for a while he just enjoyed it, let it make him hard. Then he wrapped his hand around his cock.

  The copper bracelet slid down his wrist to land heavily at the top of his hand. He was hyperaware of each shift that it made as he pumped his cock. His bracelet. Their bracelet on his wrist. Proof of the truth of his place in their life.

  He was so focused on the way the bracelet moved on him that his own orgasm almost took him by surprise, starting in his balls and shooting up and out through his cock.

  The evidence of his pleasure disappeared quickly, washed away by the flow of water.

  The evidence of his love and belonging, of his place, remained, solid and real and beautiful around his wrist.

  * * * *

  “I want to get the upstairs dusted, Grey. The new bookshelves are here and there's nowhere to put them until the dust is gone.” Raine bounced happily. Whit was coming with more boxes soon, and they'd been saving the upstairs office as a surprise.

  So exciting.

  Grey grunted, moving the heavy wardrobe against the wall, the piece complementing their furniture perfectly, tucking Whit into their home, their life.

  “And there are no curtains up there, Grey. There should be curtains. Did you move the desk up there? And the nice chair, the one that matches his eyes? Is that one up there?”

  “Yes, Raine.”

  “And the boxes of books? Are they up there too?”

  “Yes, Raine.”

  “Don't forget we have to dust, Grey.”


  He looked over at his Grey, red-faced and sweating, breathing hard, frustration and exhaustion written in the familiar face. “Yes, Grey?”


  “Yes, Grey.”

  He grabbed the dust rag and hurried up the stairs, stroking the beautiful banister. Whit was going to love this new room. Whit's room. He dusted furiously and then vacuumed, calling down as soon as he was done. “Bring the bookshelves up, Grey? I'm done!”

  Grey's sigh was long-suffering and Raine made a mental note to offer his twin a backrub tonight. Sweet Grey, moving the heavy furniture. So good to him. “Yes, Raine.”

  The bookcase was barely in place when the doorbell rang, Whit still not using his key.

  “I'll go stall him downstairs. You bring the last bookcase and then it'll be done.” He kissed Grey's nose and ran down to meet their lover.

  Whit had two boxes in his arms and another four around his feet. “This is the last of them, Raine.”

  “Have you found someone to lease the house?” He bent and picked up two of the boxes, putting them inside the outer door and then grabbing the final two. “You know, this is your home. You don't have to knock.”

  “Yeah, we signed the papers this morning—they've got the key and everything.” Whit was standing just inside the door, boxes still in his arms, looking just a little lost. “And I know I don't have to knock, I just...” Whit shrugged. “It's new.”

  He smiled and leaned in for a long, soft kiss. “I know. You know we love you, right? We would have come to you, if you'd wanted.”

  Whit's lips clung to his and then pressed close for another, longer kiss. “I love you, too, Raine. You and Grey. And I can't imagine you two living anywhere else, especially my little house. It was nice but it wasn't mine the way this place is yours. You know?”

  “Ours. This place is ours.” They shared yet another kiss, Raine losing himself in the milk and honey sweetness of their lover. Oh, he loved this man—loved his lips, his eyes, his mind. “Come home, Whit. Grey's waiting.”

  “Don't want to make Grey wait,” Whit said with a soft grin. “Where do you want these? Those four should get stacked with the book boxes in the other room, these two are my blankets and pillows, my sweats, toothbrush and bathroom stuff—the everyday stuff, you know?”

  “The everyday stuff can go wherever you'd like. Grey bought that dark wardrobe for you and there's a cabinet in the bathroom cleared off for you.” He was bouncing again. He knew the office would make Whit understand that this was home now. He knew it. “But for right now, help me carry these books upstairs? Get them out of the way?”

  “Yeah, okay.” Whit put the everyday boxes down and picked up two of the remaining four. “They're heavier than they look.”

  Raine nodded and picked up the other two. “Books always are. Grey, lover, Whit's home!”

  Grey's voice floated down, warm and welcoming. “Tell him to come on up. Those books will fit up here.”

  Whit smiled over at him and then led the way upstairs.

  He followed closely, wanting to see Whit's face when he saw the new office. He and Grey had painted the large, open room a soft blue, added a huge desk for Whit's computer, bookshelves along the walls, a tiny stereo system, and then the photographs. Beautiful images of Whit and Raine making love. One of Grey leaning against Whit in the kitchen. One of the three of them, curled together on the sofa. Some of the little, personal pieces of Whit's were there too, scattered about on tiny shelves and niches.

  It was a beautiful space. Perfect for their center.

  “Oh...” Whit stopped just inside the doorway, slowly turning around, boxes forgotten in his arms. “Oh Raine ... Grey ... it's beautiful.”

  “It's yours.” Grey took the boxes from Whit's hands and kissed their lover gently. “Your office.”

  “Oh...” Whit slid his hand along Grey's cheek and then walked over to the first of the photographs. It was the first time he'd seen them and judging by his expression, he liked them a lot. “It's so beautiful. These are so ... you make magic, Grey.”

  Grey blushed and came over to take the boxes from him and Raine thanked his beloved with a soft kiss. “He does, doesn't he? Such beautiful work.”

  Whit nodded turning again, taking in the whole room. “This is...” Whit's arm spread, indicating the whole room. “Thank you. So very much.”

  “Welcome home, our Whit!” Raine moved into those open arms, taking a long, happy kiss. Pleasure filled him, down to his toes, making him hard and hungry. “Our Grey did the hard work. I dusted.”

Whit laughed softly, eyes shining with happiness.

  They all stood together, quiet and still, looking at each other with matching expressions of joy, pleasure, and hope.

  Finally Grey nodded. “Pizza for dinner. Then lazing. I'm tired.”

  Whit gave Grey a warm kiss. “I need to give you a proper thank you for all this. After pizza—instead of lazing?”

  Grey answered Whit with a soft, purring sound. “Instead of lazing?”

  Raine laughed softly and moved into their embrace, the scent of earth and wind strong between his loves.

  “Yes, instead of lazing.” Whit rubbed noses with them both. “Maybe you have some oil—something that smells nice. And Raine and I could make you feel ... not tired.”

  “Oh ... I like that. Peppermint oil. Raine found it downtown.”

  Raine kissed Grey, then Whit. Then Grey again. “Come downstairs, my loves. The sofa is soft and warm.”

  Whit took his hand and Grey's. “Lead the way, Raine. I'm ready to relax in my new home.”

  They wandered downstairs, curling together on the big sofa. He reached for the phone while Whit tugged at Grey's t-shirt. Grey was already resting in his lap, cheek rubbing against his stomach.

  Whit pushed the t-shirt up as far as he could, nuzzling at Grey's flat belly, murmuring, purring, soft happy noises.

  He reached down and pulled Grey's shirt the rest of the way off. “Yours, too, my beautiful Whit. I want to touch your skin, taste you both.”

  The phone was set aside with a thump. The pizza could wait.

  Whit pulled off his shirt and went back to nuzzling Grey's belly, sweet tongue sliding into Grey's navel.

  Grey nudged him gently, dark eyes flashing. “Yours too.”

  He smiled, tracing the lines of his beloved's face. “Yes, my sweet Grey. Yes.” He pulled his own t-shirt off, gasping as Grey's lips immediately brushed against his belly. One of Whit's hands slid up over his ribs, stroking gently.

  He leaned over for a kiss, lost in Whit's eyes. “Love you, Whit. So glad you're home. Needed you here, love.”

  “Yes, Raine. I belong here.” Whit's eyes were warm and soft and full of him and Grey.

  Grey nodded against his belly and he grinned. “Yes, Whit. Here, with your lovers, with your heart.”