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The Dom's Way Page 11
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Page 11
Neal tapped his ass gently, then a little bit harder and a little bit harder again. His skin began to tingle, burn.
“Sweet slut.” Neal kissed him, tongue sweeping through his mouth. Then Neal slid away. “You stay right there. I’ll be back.”
“Like this?” Leaning over the sink like a needy slut?
Neal moaned for him. “Yes. Exactly like that.”
He felt himself blush—top to bottom. Especially his bottom.
He saw Neal’s wicked smile in the mirror. Then his master disappeared, leaving him alone.
It was harder than he thought, to stay there, bent over. But it was worth it when Neal came back and moaned.
“Damn, Way. You truly are incredible.”
He licked his lips, his hole clenching in response to Neal’s words. Neal touched his back with a warm hand, then dragged the plug down his spine, the metal cold.
Everything in him drew up in a rush, his eyes flying open as he shivered.
“I’m going to fill you with this, keep you open and stretched while we eat.”
“That’s not…. While we eat? In public?” Oh God. How… tingly.
“Only you and I will know that you’ve got it in.” Neal reached for the lube they kept in the shower.
“You don’t think anyone could tell? Robin could tell, I bet.”
“Probably. But do you think Robin will be there? And if he is, do you care if he knows? This is about you and me.”
Neal slicked his fingers up.
“No. To both. I don’t care. He’s a good friend. He understands.”
Neal beamed at him. “Exactly.” Then he got a quick kiss before Neal pushed two fingers into him.
The slick pressure felt cool, delicious against his hole. Neal spread his fingers wide, then twisted them together and slid them away. More cool lube was pushed in, and then it was the hard, cold metal of the plug pressing firmly against his hole.
It felt so good, so incredibly good and right, and he bore down, taking more in. Neal worked it in slowly, opening him up and playing. Neal twisted the plug as he pushed it in, then moved it side to side, making Way feel it all over inside him.
His cock tried to fill, and his eyes crossed with a deep sensation. He couldn’t get hard again, but it still felt so good.
Neal finally settled it in him and patted his ass. “There we are. Now we can go eat and you’ll feel me inside you the whole time.” Wasn’t that a nice thought? Neal inside him always?
He squeezed, gripping the plug firmly and letting it rock inside him. Neal rubbed up against his ass, which shifted the plug inside him too.
“You ready to go, love?”
“I probably need pants.” Just a thought.
Neal laughed, the sound happy and carefree. “Yeah, we probably both do. Sweats we can do, naked I don’t think they’d let us in.” Neal kissed the back of his neck and he could feel that Neal was still smiling.
“Sweats, shirts, briefs. Shoes. All the things.”
“Oh, we can leave the briefs off.” Neal tossed him a pair of sweats and a T-shirt.
“I need them, Neal. Really.” He motioned to his pierced prick. “Because of the ring.”
“I suppose I’ll let you have them this time.” Neal handed him one of his tightfitting briefs that would keep his cock from flopping around.
“Thank you, because that would rasp.”
“No rasping.” Neal kissed him. “Get dressed. Let’s get you fed.”
“Midnight pancakes for all?”
“Well, for you and me. I’m not sharing with anyone else.” Neal got dressed, though Way could feel his gaze the entire time.
“Of course not.” He knew better than that. He wasn’t up for being shared.
“Sometimes it needs to be said,” Neal told him. “So we can both hear it.”
Neal held out a hand for him, and when he took it, they headed downstairs and out.
If felt wicked, walking through the streets in the middle of the night, holding hands. The air was chilly from the earlier rain, and he was glad he’d grabbed a hoodie.
“Cold?” Neal asked, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and pulling him in close. It was always special, how hot Neal was.
“A little bit, yeah.” But not now.
“I’ll keep you warm,” Neal promised, and Way believed him.
The streets were deserted, but the diner was surprisingly busy when they went in. At least half the tables were full—some singles, couples, and the odd larger group.
A waiter came by with a pot of coffee. “Sit anywhere you want, guys.” He was gone as quickly as he’d come, pouring coffee for other patrons seemingly at random.
Neal grabbed a couple of menus from the counter and they headed to a booth at the far end of the diner, where it was a little darker and very cozy. Neal got into the same side of the bench as Way.
“Hey.” He leaned into Neal, letting himself flirt and play.
Neal supported him and nudged him gently. “Hey, yourself.” For a moment Neal simply smiled at him. Then he blinked. “So do we even need to look at the menus? Or is pancakes and bacon what you want?”
“That’s what I want.” He swallowed and leaned a little harder. “Master.”
God, that was hot.
Heat flared in Neal’s eyes, and he made a rumbling, purring, growling noise. That was pretty damn hot too.
“Love you,” Neal told him softly.
“I love you.”
“Are you working the plug, boy?”
He nodded, swallowing hard.
Neal’s smile got bigger. “Good.”
They were still smiling goofily at each other when the waiter stopped by their table.
“You boys know what you want?”
Neal ordered for both of them. “Please. Two all-day flapjack stacks, two side orders of bacon, and two milks, please.”
“Coffee?” Way asked.
“Nope. You’ll never get back to sleep.” Neal leaned in and spoke quietly into his ear. “And I have plenty of ways to get you all keyed up.”
Those little things kept him ramped up, kept him buzzing and curious.
“I’ll bring your milk and some water in a minute.” Then the waiter was gone.
Neal slid his hand along Way’s thigh.
“You… you shouldn’t touch. This is a restaurant.”
“That we’re in the back of beyond, and you have a table covering your lap. No one’s going to know, boy.”
“Still, you make me hard.” Achingly, wonderfully, desperately hard.
Neal chuckled. “That’s totally not a deterrent, Way.”
“No? It should be. What if I leak?”
“Then you’ll walk out with your hands in front of you. Hell, I’ll walk out in front of you.” Neal rubbed their noses. “It’s the middle of the night, love—nobody cares.”
“No? I sort of do and I sort of don’t. Does that make sense?”
“Yeah, I think I know what you mean. I’m not going to stop touching you, though.”
“No. I would probably be disappointed if you did, you know?”
Neal wrapped him in a tight hug. “You amaze me every day. And I love the things you say.”
“I try to only tell you all the truth.” Every bit of it.
“That’s so hot, though. Your truths, how they dovetail with mine. And it makes me happy to hear everything you have to say. It really does.”
He loved the word dovetail. “I want to hear your everythings too.”
“You’re my everything, boy.” Neal nudged their shoulders together. “I know it sounds fucking corny, but it’s the truth.”
“I like corn.” Wait, was that funny or stupid?
Neal snickered for him, so it must have been funny.
Their waiter came back with milk and water for them. “Your pancakes’ll be up in a few more minutes.” Then he disappeared again.
“They’re pretty busy tonight,” Neal noted. “Of course, I�
��m not in here often, so I don’t know if it’s unusual or not.”
“We’ll have to come back again sometime. Take a sample.” He’d taken statistics in college. He hadn’t passed it, but he’d taken it.
“There’s an idea. We could come back weekend nights, weekday nights, see when 2:00 a.m. is the busiest. Optimize our ability to get a seat and get food fast and have a quiet place to eat all at the same time.” Neal took a drink of his milk and wound up with a milk mustache.
“Works for me. We have to do it when I don’t work the early shift.”
“Point. That would suck. And not in the fun, you sucking my cock kind of way.”
“No. That would be a way better way to spend the days.” He could suck on Neal for hours. Did that make him weird?
“Wouldn’t it? They ought to have grants or something. Some way for us to get paid for loving on each other. Just because we do.”
“We’d get bored sooner, I guess. I mean, that’s what happens, huh? You’re together for a long time and then you get bored?”
“Oh, I’m not planning on ever getting bored, boy. I’m going to ride your ass into the sunset.”
“Neal!” There was something wicked and ribald and wonderful about those words, and he wanted a kiss, so he squeezed Neal’s leg instead.
Neal must have been reading his mind, because he bent, bringing their lips together in a soft kiss that lingered, making him squeeze his asscheeks together around the plug inside him. Between that and the ring in the tip of his cock, he felt like he was constantly aroused.
Neal pulled away slowly, stopping to rub their noses together, then sat back, tugging Way to rest against his solid body.
They couldn’t do that. They couldn’t.
Their waiter arrived with their pancakes and bacon sides, all energy and smiles. “Here you go! You guys let me know if there’s anything else you need.”
“I think we’ve got it all right here,” Neal told the guy.
“We do. This is perfect.” Bad for them and delicious.
“Good, good.” The waiter was gone before he’d even finished talking.
Neal grinned and passed Way the butter and syrup, letting him have first go at them.
“Thank you.” He buttered, leaving more than half for his lover.
Neal kissed the top of his head and buttered his own pancakes. Then he put his bacon between them and put a small amount of syrup on them.
Was this what life was going to be like from now on? Little moments of happiness mixed with joy? It seemed too good to be true.
Neal ate his pancake and bacon “sandwich” bite by bite, making yummy food faces. They were a lot like his yummy sex faces, only not directed at Way.
“You know that’s weird, right, Neal?”
Neal paused with his fork halfway to his mouth with another bite. “What? It’s a pancake bacon sandwich. If they served it like this, more people would know about it and then it wouldn’t be weird, it would be delicious.”
“It’s totally weird.” He paused for effect. “Bizarre.”
“Is not,” Neal insisted. Then he cut off another mouthful and offered it over. “I dare you to try it for yourself. Fair warning, though. You’ll never look at pancakes and bacon the same way again.”
“I like how I look at bacon, you know.” He ate the bite, though, and it was pancakes and bacon and good.
“But now bacon is even better, no?” Neal happily continued eating.
He chuckled, but nodded. It was worth it, to see Neal so pleased.
Neal snuck a bit more syrup onto his pancake bacon sandwich and continued eating, looking satisfied with the world at large.
By the time they were finished, Way was full and feeling the lateness of the hour. “I maybe should have had that coffee.”
“Nah. We can go home and go to bed and then you’ll be happy you aren’t all wide awake and unable to sleep.”
“True. We can snuggle.”
“Mmm. I do love snuggling with you.” Neal grinned. “Okay, I love doing everything with you.”
“We have three whole more days together.”
“I know. Whatever will we do?” Neal’s lips twitched.
“Twister?” He could play along.
“Oh, Twister could be fun. If we play it naked. All those dangling bits hanging around….”
“You’d goose me. I know.”
“I totally would!” Neal laughed and hugged him. “You know me so well.”
He wanted to. He wanted to know everything about Neal.
“I think we should do it. Hell, it would be fun to play with some of the guys at the gym. Like Robin and Lance… and their masters of course.”
“Game night? Seriously?” That could really be sort of cool….
“I am serious. Game night. I love it. I could put the feelers out, see what night of the week might work best for the people we’d want to invite. You let me know who you’d be comfortable with and I’ll talk to their masters.”
“Okay. Yeah. That could be sort of fun.”
“All right. Look at that—we had naughty pancakes and came up with a new idea too. Look how productive we are for 4:00 a.m.” Neal gave him a hug and another kiss, this one on his forehead.
“I know, right? We’re brilliant when we’re exhausted.”
“I was thinking more well-fucked than exhausted.”
The things Neal said!
“I think we’re probably both. And super adrenaline-ated too.”
Neal chuckled. “Super adrenaline-ated?”
“I like it. Is that what the piercing does to you? Makes you super adrenaline-ated?”
“Yeah. Yeah, in a huge way.” Hyped-up, turned on, a little buzzed.
“Excellent. That means when it’s time for the other piercings, you’ll be primed for them.”
Other piercings?
“We didn’t agree to that.”
“I’m not taking you to get them tomorrow, love. But when it’s time, you’ll agree easily, because you already know how wonderful piercings are. How super adrenaline-ating they are.”
“I…. Let’s talk about it later.” Much later.
“Sure. It can totally wait. I can’t even play with the Prince Albert properly yet.” Neal stole a little bit of bacon that Way had sitting on the corner of his plate.
“Right. So we’ve got time.” He found a twenty-dollar bill in his wallet. “Is this enough to cover the bill? I’m really sleepy and we still have to walk home.”
“That’ll more than do it, love.” Neal kissed him gently. “Thanks for our midnight snack.”
“Thank you for coming out to play.”
He left the twenty on the table and they got up from their seats and went back out, his hand firmly tucked in Neal’s as they headed home to get some sleep.
Chapter Eight
NEAL LOUNGED on the couch, feeling boneless and so fucking easy in his skin. They’d spent Saturday and Sunday playing with Way’s Prince Albert, exploring all the ways they could have fun with it. Or at least a lot of ways. He’d have to wait until it was healed before they could really push the limits with it, but for now they were having a blast.
And it had Way hyped-up, buzzed, all the time. He loved the bright shine in his boy’s eyes. His currently exhausted lover, who was spending his holiday Monday sleeping in. Of course, they had been up at 3:00 a.m. to make love again.
He figured noon was late enough for calling people, though, so he went ahead and gave Stack a ring. He knew Robin was the person Way was closest to, so it made sense to get a night for game night that would work best for Stack and Robin. If any other couples could make it, cool. If not, well, at least they’d have those two.
The phone rang a few times before it was answered.
“Hey, man. What’s up?” Stack sounded dozy and husky.
Damn, he honestly hadn’t meant to wake the guy up. Still, he supposed any time could have been bad, and if Stack really wanted to sleep, he
could have turned the ringer off or ignored the call.
“Hey. How’s it going?”
“Fine. You?”
“Yeah, yeah, good.” He grinned. “So Way and I wanted to host a game night. You and Robin were the first people we thought of.”
“Game night? As in beat the sub or tiddlywinks?”
He cackled. “Let’s start with the second and see where we go from there.” His boy might be more amenable to beat the sub after they’d all spent more time together.
“Sure. Robin is fond of your boy and being goofy. Just loves it.”
“Fantastic. We have the rest of today off, or we could do an evening later this week. Way is on early shifts this week.”
“How about Friday night?”
“Hmm. We’ve kind of decided we’d like to make Friday night a special night for the two of us, because Way doesn’t work on the weekends. What about Wednesday or Thursday?”
“Wednesday? I’ll bring dessert?”
“Sounds good. You think we should start with the four of us or invite a couple more?” He knew Way worked out on the new Ninja Warrior course with Lance, but he didn’t know if his boy knew Bran all that well.
“One or two other couples? Guys that are easy?”
“Yeah, I was thinking Tide and Tyrone with their boys. I know Way knows Lance….”
“Sure. I’m easy. I like it. Email me with times, huh?”
“Awesome. I’ll let you know how many and when as soon as I’ve got all the details ironed out.”
“Sounds good. Have a great holiday, man.”
“You too. What’s left of it, anyway.”
Chuckling, he hung up and dialed Tide’s number. It went to voicemail, which made him grin. And he left a message. Way worked until six, so he suggested 8:00 p.m. for pizza and games. Then he called Tyrone and left the same message there.
He’d bet his last dollar that those two were driving their subs out of their minds. It made him grin. He should be doing that too. He should be upstairs fucking Way’s brains out. So why wasn’t he? Oh yeah, his boy was sleeping. He’d tired Way right out over the last couple of days.
Maybe he should use that exhaustion to his benefit, bind his boy, tease and play. He chuckled as his thoughts brought his cock back to life. Yeah, it had to be a good idea if it had him worked up.