The Dom's Way Page 9
“Good evening, Neal. Have you got fun plans for the weekend?”
He felt his smile widen. “I honestly do. You?”
“Oh yes. Jude and I love our weekends together.”
Neal nodded. He felt the same way. He glanced at his watch. It was just past six.
“I’m sure he’ll be down soon,” Day said. “But he would have worked right up till the end of his shift. He’s very conscientious, your boy.”
“He is. Hey, seeing that I have you here. Has he talked to you about better gloves and maybe a heavy-duty apron or something for when he has to use the bleach?”
“No. No, should I make an order? We don’t want him harmed.”
Neal wasn’t surprised that Way hadn’t said anything. But he’d known Day would feel that way. “Please. When he uses the bleach on the bathrooms, his hands get wrecked. And one day it splashed and he had burns on his chest. I told him you would be more than happy to get him adequate protection. If you knew it was an issue.”
“Of course. He’s so worried about offending.”
“I know. I’m working on building his self-confidence. He needs to know that his needs and desires are valid and deserve to be addressed. We’re getting there.” He grinned. In some areas they were very getting there.
“I’m so glad. He seems very happy, very solid.”
“I think so too.” Neal figured he was grinning like an idiot, but he didn’t really care. He was in love with a wonderful man and he was happy to shout that from the rooftops. “He’s my boy now as well as my lover.”
“Congratulations! I’m so pleased for you. I know how much you’ve wanted him here with you.” Day chuckled. “I mean in the lifestyle, of course.”
Neal nodded. “Yeah, I knew what you meant. And thank you. I think being my boy gives him the freedom he needs to work here.” Maybe it was counterintuitive to people not in the lifestyle, but as his boy, Way could look and ask questions and not have to worry that anyone would do anything to him. Not without Neal’s approval. It gave his boy a safety net.
“Yes. He knows that this place is sacrosanct. Safe.”
Neal nodded. “He gets that now.” His poor boy had been a wreck at the beginning, always worried, always frightened. Neal was pretty sure Way still worried a lot, but he knew Neal had his back, no matter what. And now Way was curious, eager. Wanton.
It was glorious.
He was still grinning madly when he noticed Way coming out of the stairwell and heading in his direction.
Way waved, his boy all smiles and bounce.
“Enjoy your weekend,” Day murmured before melting back toward the office.
Neal waved back.
“How are you? Did you get your jewelry done?”
He wrapped Way in a hug and stopped the happy questions with a hello kiss, taking his time with it.
His boy melted into him, pressing close, shoulder and hip. He grabbed Way’s ass and brought him even closer, holding them together for a long moment.
He drew back slowly, smiling down at Way. “Now I’m great.”
“Me too. Happy weekend.”
“Yes, happy weekend. And to answer your question, yes, I got my jewelry done. So I can focus on us the whole weekend long.” He tucked Way’s hand in the crook of his arm and they headed out.
“I like us. We get three whole days and I get paid for Monday! How cool is that?”
“It’s very cool. And I think it’s the perfect time to get something done that you’re going to want to have a few days at home to explore.” He headed toward the tattoo parlor the gym recommended to their members.
“Something done? What done?”
“Your Prince Albert. It’s going to be amazing.” And then they could use the penis plug and the sounds that attached to a Prince Albert piercing. Hell, give it a bit of time and he could play with it, tug and twist, drive his boy right out of his mind with pleasure.
“My… my what?” Oh, that shock felt erotic as hell.
“Prince Albert. A gift because you enjoy slit play so much. This will make everything that much bigger.”
“But… a needle. And my cock. And someone else will see it.”
“I’ve done a lot of research on it, love. And yes, there is a needle involved, but apparently it’s only a quick sting, and then it’ll ache at most. Which, considering the way you react to slit play, will not be a bad thing. And yes, someone else will see it, but there will be a sheet around the rest of your lower body, so that’s all they are going to see, and it has to be done by a professional who has guaranteed clean tools and knows what they’re doing. It’ll only be for a minute. It’ll all be very clinical on the piercer’s end.”
“If you think so….” Way held his hand, squeezing tight. “Maybe tomorrow?”
“No, I was thinking now. That way we have three whole days to explore and for it to start healing.” It meant they weren’t going to be able to play with it this weekend, but Neal had a hunch simply having it would keep Way in a perpetually hard state.
They could explore the ways they could make Way shoot with ass play, nipple play. And of course they’d have to roll the ring now and then, make sure the skin didn’t try to grow over it. And keep it clean. So Way’s cock would get plenty of stimulation.
He moved them a little faster, his thoughts making him eager.
“I didn’t tell you before now, because I knew you would spend the day worrying about it.”
“Uh-huh. Are you sure? What if it bleeds? What if it….”
He squeezed Way’s hand. “I can play the what-if game too, you know. What if it keeps you hard all the time? What if you love it so much you want more? What if you come just from having it put in?” Neal thought that last one might happen. Well, he thought they were all possibilities, but for the last one they were about to find out.
“Oh God. Tell me that won’t happen. Tell me I won’t be hard with a stranger there.”
“I don’t know, love. You’re going to be inhibited because there’s a stranger, but you’re going to be excited by what’s happening. I don’t know if one will cancel the other out or not. Or which one will be stronger. Whichever way it goes, I bet the piercer has seen it and it’ll be fine.”
“You promise? You swear you’ll be right there?”
“I’m not letting this happen without me right there by your side, and I will hold your hand the entire time, I promise.” Nobody was going near Way without him being there. Nobody.
And he needed to see it, needed to know it was his desire—their desires—coming true.
They got to the shop and he smiled at Way before they went in. “It’s going to be fantastic, love. Really.”
“I’m a little scared.”
“Scared, or nervous? And I’m right here with you. Nothing bad is going to happen.” He gave Way a kiss. “You keep your eyes on me if you need to.”
“A guy’s going to put a needle through my penis. This is bad.”
“He’s going to put a ring in your penis. It’s going to be glorious.”
Way stared at him, dark eyes wide and burning.
“A few moments of someone else seeing your cock in a very clinical way. A second of pain, and a lifetime of pleasure. Let’s go do this.”
“Yes, Master. We’ll go home after this? Order dinner? Stay home?”
He nodded, a shiver of pleasure going through him as it did every time Way called him Master. Maybe one day the joy in that would fade, but he doubted it would be anytime soon. “Yeah, we’re going to go home and spend the long weekend there, wallowing in each other and your new jewelry.”
They went in and he waved at the girl at the front desk. “We’re here to see Riley for a Prince Albert piercing.”
“That’s me! You guys must be Neal and Way?”
Neal nodded. “We are.”
Way shook his head. “A girl? Neal?”
“Does it matter?” Neal asked. He would have thought it might be easier if it was a girl, but what did he kno
w? It wasn’t his cock in question.
“I’m not into guys, if that makes things any easier,” Riley told Way as she handed over the paperwork. “I don’t take pictures, I don’t stare, I don’t tell tales. So whatever happens in there, stays in there, okay?” She gave Way a smile. “You’ll be surprised by how quickly it’s over.”
Way looked down and started filling out his name and phone number and verifying that he was over eighteen. “Okay. I’ve never done anything like this before. I promise not to be inappropriate with you.”
“Honey, it’s just a biological reaction to the piercing itself and the fact you’re here with your boyfriend. Lots of guys get hard doing this and it’s rarely because of me.” She gave him an encouraging smile.
Way finished filling out the form and handed it back to Riley. “Thanks.” She filed it and handed him a pamphlet with aftercare instructions on it, then gave them another smile. “Follow me.”
She opened a door at the end of a line of chairs and ushered them into a little room with what looked like a dentist’s chair in the middle. “You can take your pants off, or pull them down enough to expose your penis, it’s your choice. Here’s a cover. Your penis goes in the hole in the middle, then you can cover it with this.” She handed him two sealed, clear bags with blue cloth in them. “I’ll knock when I come back, and if you need me before then your friend can poke his head out and call me in.”
“Okay.” Way’s face couldn’t get any redder, Neal didn’t think. No way.
He patted Way’s back encouragingly as Riley stepped out of the room. Then he took the two little packages and opened them. One was a two-foot-square piece of the paper cloth that robes were made of in doctor’s offices, with a two-inch hole cut in the middle. The other one was exactly the same, only without the hole. “You want to just open your pants and pull your prick out?” He figured Way would be happier the more dressed he was.
“Yeah. That’s less naked. I don’t want… I don’t want to be nasty.”
“You’re the least nasty person I know, love. She’s not going to think you’re anything but a sweet guy who’s doing this for his lover.” Neal waited for Way to get seated, then popped the button on his jeans and took down the zipper before fishing out Way’s cock.
Way was limp, but he got it. Maybe arousal wasn’t the point now, not until they were home and his boy felt safe and stable. He put Way’s cock through the hole and spread the rest of the cloth around so nothing was showing, not even Way’s underwear. Then he put the other cloth over Way so he had his privacy for as long as possible.
Smiling, he took Way’s hand and squeezed. “I’m right here.”
“Is it going to be awful, do you think?”
“Nope. I don’t think it’s going to be awful at all.” He honestly didn’t. If he thought it would be, he might not be so eager for them to do this.
Riley knocked and popped her head in with a smile. “You ready?”
“Uh-huh. Hurry, please?”
“Did you guys pick jewelry?”
This he had, the ring heavy and smooth in his pocket. He pulled it out and showed it to Way first. “I made it for you.”
“It’s beautiful.” Way’s fingers shook as he touched the bag. “Honestly. For me?”
“A beautiful ring for my beautiful boy.” He kissed Way gently.
“You made this as in you had it made or as in you actually made it?” Riley asked, examining the ring.
“The second. I’m a jeweler.”
“Stunning work, dude. You have a card? We should get together about you doing some custom stuff for our clients.”
“Sure, I can leave you my card. Right now, though….” Right now, this was about Way, not him.
“On the way out, got it. Let me clean this and then I’ll mark him up.”
“Thanks.” He grabbed the extra little stool in the room and dragged it over so he could sit by Way’s head. “You good, love? Keep breathing, eh?”
“Right. What-what should we have for supper?”
“Anything your heart desires. We can even go online to and get something fancy.” There were more and more restaurants using the delivery service to supplement their dining room earnings.
“Uh-huh. I… I don’t know. I guess we should decide later?”
“Whatever you want, love. This is your day.”
Riley came back with a tray, his ring on it along with a marker and the piercing equipment. Neal squeezed Way’s hand.
“Okay, are we ready to get started?”
“No.” Way squeezed his eyes closed, clenching them tight.
“Love, she won’t do it if you don’t agree.”
“Yep. Even though you signed the paperwork when you got here, I won’t do this without verbal confirmation here.”
“Right. Right, I’m scared and I’m nervous, but I’m here willingly. I’m not being coerced. Promise.”
“Okay, then. I’m going to take the top sheet off and mark where I’m going to do the piercing. If you’re happy with the placement, I clean the area and do it. If not, we’ll try a different placement.”
“I want Neal to make the decision, please.”
Oh, sweet boy.
“I’ll make sure it’s right, love.” He gave Way another soft kiss. “Okay, let’s do this thing.”
Riley nodded and took the sheet away, exposing his lover’s cock.
She was totally professional, marking Way’s penis, touching him as impersonally as possible, marking the tip with a Sharpie.
Neal leaned in and examined it closely, moving his head to see it from different angles. “I think it needs to be over to the right the tiniest bit. Most of it still on the same spot… yeah, yeah, right there.” He nodded as Riley put another dot three-quarters on the first one, but to the right of the original one. “Yeah, perfect.”
“Good deal. Do you want me to warn you or just do it?”
Way met his eyes. “Neal?” Then he whispered, “Master?”
“Just do it.” He held tight to Way’s hand and smiled, holding Way’s gaze. It would be over with soon, and the less Way watched and worried over it happening, the better.
“You got it. Stay still, honey.”
Way stared into his eyes—simply focused on his face with a serious expression. His brave, wonderful boy.
“I love you, boy. And I’m proud of you. And we’re going to have so much fun.”
“I believe you. I believe—oh. Oh, ow!” Way squeezed his hand hard.
He smiled, holding on as tightly. “Is that it? Is it done?” He turned and looked at Way’s cock.
The flesh was flushed pink, the ring heavy, thick in the tip.
“All done. It’s a thick one, hence the ‘ow.’”
“It’s stunning. Way, are you seeing this?”
Way shook his head. “Can we go home?”
“Take as long as you need.” Riley gently put the cloth back over Way’s cock, took her tools with her, and closed the door behind her.
“Of course we can go home, love. Don’t you want to look at it before we go?” He stroked Way’s cheek.
“No. No, I don’t. I’m…. Is it pretty?”
“It’s stunning.” He took the cloth off again, admiring. It was his boy’s lovely prick, with a bonus.
With his jewelry, his handiwork.
His will.
“Take a look. I want you to see it.” He met Way’s gaze, then looked down to encourage Way to do the same.
Way looked down, eyes going wide. “Oh my God. It’s real.”
That pretty cock twitched.
“It’s very real and it’s beautiful. You are beautiful. And you’re wearing my ring.”
“I am. Wow. That’s really wow.”
There was his boy. “Yeah. Really wow.” He touched the ring, not Way’s cock, only the ring.
“Don’t. Oh, I don’t want to get hard.”
“Not here. But once we get home, all bets are off.” He
carefully took the other cloth off Way’s cock, tossing both of them in the garbage, then turned back to Way’s prick. “I’m going to have to touch you to get you back in your pants.”
“I’ll just do it. Don’t touch. Please.”
He took Way’s hands in his own. “No, I’ll do it, boy.” He waited until Way met his gaze and then he smiled. “I told you I have you.”
“I—okay? Okay?”
God, he was so in love, it hurt.
“Take a breath for me.” He took Way’s cock around the base and eased it into Way’s underwear. He’d worn tighty-whities today, which was probably a good thing—it would keep Way’s cock still against his body.
“All done.”
Way sat up and stood on trembling legs.
He held on to Way’s hand again. “Try a few steps, so you know how you want to walk.”
“It’s safe, right? It’s okay?”
“It’s fine, boy. You need to find your, uh, ring-in-your-cock legs.”
“Neal!” That made his boy laugh, though, and that was all Neal needed.
Now that Way was standing, he pulled up the jeans’ zipper and did up the top button. “Okay, let’s start moving.”
“Time to go home.” Way was a little pale, but the color was coming back.
“It is. I paid while you filled out the paperwork. We can just go.” He put his arm around Way’s shoulders. “I’m so proud of you.”
“Thank you. I tried really hard.”
“You didn’t only try—you did it.” He waved to Riley as they carefully walked out of the shop, moving slowly.
“How does it feel?” If they needed to take a cab back home, they would.
“It’s a little numb right now.”
“Then let’s keep walking. It’ll take forever to get a cab right now.” Friday night downtown—not the time to be flagging down cabs.
“Yeah. We’re not far. How was your day?”
Small talk? They were going to have small talk? He didn’t think so.
“My day was boring until this evening. Tell me what you’re thinking. Do you like it?”
“I don’t know. It’s heavy.”
“It’s not pulling, though, is it? It shouldn’t be. It’s tucked in there pretty tight.” He didn’t want Way to be in pain.