Inked Music Page 4
Gavin swallowed a couple of times before speaking. “Sorry, guys. Thanks for waiting.”
Silas looked him over and obviously decided he was going to live. Gavin resisted the urge to stick his tongue out at him.
He settled next to Rene, earning himself a warm smile before Rene started the movie again.
The chocolate was delicious, the end of the movie fun, and by the time it was over, he had let himself relax again and really enjoy it.
“I thought I’d order some Greek food between movies. Unless you don’t like Greek. Or would prefer the promised pizza.”
“I love Greek. I’m not picky about food, but you don’t have to just for me.”
“No, I’ll order it for all three of us. Not just you.” Rene grinned and grabbed the phone, and if Gavin wasn’t mistaken, hit an autodial.
The phone call was short, and then Rene sat back down next to him. “Half an hour until food. You want to start the next movie or just hang out?”
“We could hang out, chat.” See him, see him be brave.
“I’d like that.” Rene touched his knee briefly.
A quiet little zing of excitement, a tiny buzz of desire, rushed through his body like it was jet-propelled. Rene didn’t push it, though, didn’t touch him again, and Gavin was both pleased by that and disappointed.
“So you were someone famous, huh?” Rene asked, pushing in a different direction.
“In some circles, yes. Not anymore.” Now he worked very hard at being a nobody.
“I hope you don’t mind I looked you up,” Rene admitted, voice soft, almost gentle. “It must have been a terrible thing to go through.”
“It was.” And he didn’t want to talk about it. Think about it. He looked at Silas, who sat there behind them, solid and real and comforting. No one would hurt him with the twins watching him.
“I hope you don’t think my looking it up was creepy. I didn’t want to ask you about it in case it bothered you, but I was curious and wanted to know.”
“No. No, it’s… reasonable, right? Curiosity. I understand.” He’d have done it if he were Rene. And yeah, now he didn’t have to talk about it.
“Cool. We never have to talk about it again if you don’t want to,” Rene said softly.
“Okay.” He’d lost so much, and he was slowly gaining things back. He really had no desire to revisit any of it.
“I’m glad you’ve turned things around.”
“Thank you. It’s taken some time, but… I’m learning.” Therapy and love, friendship and family—he was getting there.
“And I’m glad you took a risk on coming here. I expected you to follow through on your prediction that you’d cancel,” Rene admitted.
“Thank Silas and Dev. They had my back.” He had been trying hard to cancel; they hadn’t let him. He was glad of it now.
“They always do, yeah?” Rene leaned in and whispered, “Your beasts.”
“Yes. My dear beasts.” He grinned back at his shadow, nodded.
Silas bared his teeth and growled.
“Are you lovers?” Rene asked.
“Now that’s not a nice thing to ask, but no, we’re not. None of us.” Silas and Dev had their Wednesday nights when they went out and played hard. He didn’t know where they went—he’d never asked. It was their time, private and personal.
“I think it was a perfectly natural question to ask,” Rene countered. “And I’m glad you’re not, if I’m being honest.”
“We don’t have that kind of thing. I love them both to death, but it’s platonic, familial.”
“That means there’s a chance for me to be more than just your friend.” Rene sat back, looking pleased.
“I won’t say it’s out of the picture, but I’m… careful with my choices.” He hadn’t been responsible for the kidnapping, for the attack. Hell, he hadn’t even known the woman who’d taken him, but it was hard to trust again in the aftermath. If he didn’t let anyone in, if he didn’t even let anyone close, then it couldn’t happen again.
“I get that. And I’d like to be your friend regardless. I thought I should be upfront that I do find you attractive, alluring.”
“Thank you.” He thought that Rene was… intriguing. And that honesty made Gavin like him all the more.
“So, do you play anywhere else besides the bar I saw you at that night? Because I have to tell you, the music was incredible. It felt like it was necessary for you.”
“I do studio work, mostly. I do live shows when I can. Maybe once a month and usually there. It’s a release.”
“Being there that night was… it was like you were the music, and I would hate to think of you not getting to lose yourself in it like that.”
“Thank you. That’s why there is no publicity, no introductions.” He needed the performance, but he couldn’t bear the thought of being recognized. Not anymore.
“You need the audience, but it’s also intensely private,” Rene suggested.
He shrugged one shoulder, winked. He had discovered that he needed to be exposed, spread open and seen in one way or another. For now the music on stage was enough.
Master Will had cracked him open, made him fly. Had. They had parted friends, but they had parted. Will hadn’t been able to cope with his breakdown, with his pain. With the way their relationship had been exposed and both of them raked over the coals. He tried not to blame the man—they were all human, not perfect, and Will had never wanted the limelight, not when things were going well, and certainly not after that.
“Those are painful thoughts, I see.” Rene touched his cheek for a moment, almost cradling it. “You have a very expressive face.”
“It was a terrible time in my life, but I’ve learned a lot, and I’m a survivor.” The electricity where they touched had nothing to do with the subject they were pursuing.
“I can see the strength in you when you talk about it.” Rene’s gaze was sure and solid, intense.
“That’s very kind.”
Rene’s lips quirked up into a smile. “I didn’t say it to be kind. It’s the truth.”
Gavin chuckled softly, tickled. “That sort of makes it better, huh?”
Rene grinned, but before he could say anything else, a chime sounded. “That’s the door. I’ll go get our food.”
“Cool. Thank you.”
Rene made his way to the stairs and went up them two at a time, quickly disappearing from view.
Gavin stood and went to Silas for a hug. “How am I doing?”
“You haven’t even looked like you want to run away screaming once, not even when he brought up your trauma. So I’d say not bad, kiddo. Not bad at all.” Silas kissed his cheek.
“Thanks.” He took another hug, because he could and because he wanted to.
“I’m proud of you. Really.” Silas’s hugs were always awesome, and he stayed there for a moment longer, then went to sit back down. Maybe he’d survive this.
Rene returned, arms laden with bags and bringing an amazing smell with him. He set the bags up on the counter in the kitchenette and started pulling takeout containers from them. “So, I got a big salad because Greek salad rocks and this place has the best dressing, some chicken and lamb souvlaki, potatoes, rice, and pitas with tzatziki. I figured we could all just dish up what we wanted. That work okay?”
“That sounds amazing. I haven’t had Greek food in a long time.” He could; he just hadn’t.
Rene laid out three plates, along with utensils, and opened the containers. “Go ahead, guys.” Then he got some more ice and Cherry Coke, along with a regular Coke.
Gavin took a little bit of everything, though no more than a bite here and a bite there. After he’d sampled it all, he’d decide what was best and go back for more of that.
Rene refilled their cups and grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge, then handed it over to Silas. “Unless you’d like something else?”
Silas shook his head. “I’m good, thanks.”
“Cool.” Rene grabbed a plate of his own and filled it. “I’ll have to work out extra tomorrow. Oh, there’s baklava too. For dessert.”
“What do you do for a workout?” Gavin asked.
“I like to run along the canal alternate days. Then I have a workout room back there.” Rene pointed to a door behind the pool table. “Weights and stuff.”
“Cool.” Gavin would stop eating for a day or two if he felt heavy, and he’d be fine. It didn’t happen very often, though.
“What about you?” Rene asked as they moved back to the theater-style seats.
“Kung Fu. Hours and hours of Kung Fu,” he deadpanned, and Silas cracked up.
Rene looked back at Silas, then turned to Gavin again. “So not Kung Fu?”
“No. I just don’t eat when my pants are too tight.”
“Not eating isn’t a very healthy method of weight control,” Rene noted, and Silas snorted.
“Be nice, Si. I’m a musician. We’re not healthy.” That was blatantly not true. Hell, before? When he had been on the road? Everything was organic veg and green smoothies and granola. Aside from the Cherry Coke and the chocolate, of course.
Silas snorted again, and Rene’s right eyebrow rose. “You have a lie detector with you, don’t you?”
“I have forgotten more about Gav than most people will ever know,” Silas noted.
“I’m going to be a good host and not ask you to tell me stories.” Rene grinned at Gavin. “It’s mighty tempting, though.”
“I pay him well for his silence,” Gavin said with a straight face, but then he laughed. When had he last exchanged banter with someone who wasn’t the twins?
“Damn. I’ll have to save up my pennies.” Rene watched him closely. “You have an amazing laugh.”
“Thank you, sir. It
feels good to do it.”
“I like the way you say sir too,” Rene admitted.
Gavin’s cheeks went hot, and he ducked his head. He hadn’t even realized he’d said it, but it had seemed totally natural. Eat your supper, silly man. He’d eaten what he had, so he had an excuse to go fill up his plate and take a breath or two. Rene was right—the salad was delicious, and that was down to the amazing dressing on it. He piled half his plate with that and added two chunks of potatoes, a little bit of chicken, and some tzatziki. Then he returned to his seat.
Rene turned the next movie on, which let him off the hook as far as any more conversation went. Thank God. He was having a lovely day, and it seemed to be a success, like he’d taken this great big step. He didn’t want to ruin it now with weirdness.
They finished their meals and watched the second Thor movie without any stops. Then they refilled their popcorn bowls, got more drinks, and watched the first Avengers movie. All in all it was truly a lovely day.
When The Avengers was over, Gavin stood and dared to kiss Rene on the cheek. “Thank you for today. It’s been amazing.”
“I’ve had a great time too. I hope we can do it, or something like it, again soon.”
“That would be welcome. Yes.” He smiled again. “I owe you supper, after all.”
“Shall we set a date, then?”
“I…. All right. Yes.” Oh God. Another step. Go him. “When?”
“Are you playing at the club tomorrow night?” Rene asked. His tone was extremely casual. No pressure.
As it happened, he was. “At ten, yes.”
“I’ll be there in the booth to the right of the stage. Maybe we could have dinner after.”
“Maybe. I’ll tell Dev to let you in the back this time,” he suggested before he could change his mind.
“I’d like that.” Rene smiled, eyes warm. “It’s a date.”
“Okay. Yes. A date.” They could go to a private room somewhere to eat, maybe. He bet Silas and Dev would know where they could do that.
“I look forward to it. To seeing you again.”
“Yes. You too. Good night, Rene.” He kissed the man’s cheek again. Twice in a row he’d initiated intimate contact. Go him.
Rene took his hand and squeezed it, then kissed the back of it. “Good night.”
“Good night,” he said again, his voice thicker this time, his desire bleeding through slightly.
Then he turned to his bodyguard, and Silas led the way out of the building, got him into the car, which was nice because he was sort of floating on how well the day had gone. How much fun it had been. How he was pretty sure he’d made a friend he would know for a long time.
Chapter Four
RENE SLIPPED into the last booth by the stage at the Painted Dog and drummed impatiently on the table. He was eager to see Gavin again. Playing his music, yes, but mostly simply seeing him again.
He rolled his eyes. It had only been a day since their movie marathon at his place. He needed to get over himself.
The low lights dimmed further, a single spotlight shining on the stage. Everything in Rene tightened. This was it. Finally.
Gavin stepped onto the stage, wearing nothing but an old pair of jeans. His ink was still breathtaking, the lean body making Rene’s mouth dry. Gavin sat scanning the audience, and finally his gaze landed on Rene. He offered Gavin a warm smile.
Then Gavin began to play.
Rene groaned, literally hard from the first notes. He felt as if Gavin were playing for him and him alone. It was heady, the way Gavin kept stealing glances, communicating with him. He barely touched his drink; he was hardly aware of anything but Gavin up there on the stage, playing for him.
As it had been the first time Rene had seen Gavin play, the concert was pure sex, a delicious mental rush. Better than last time because now he knew the musician. Now he knew he was going to see Gavin after the show.
It could have been an hour or four; Rene didn’t know and didn’t care—he was completely absorbed within Gavin’s masterful playing. As soon as the music faded, the lights went down, and Gavin headed backstage, erection outlined clearly in his tight jeans.
Rene groaned, his own cock so hard it ached. If he’d been planning on leaving via the front door, he would have had to sit a while to let his hard-on ease back. Luckily, he wasn’t going out the front but directly through the door by the other side of the stage, where a large figure loomed. He got up and headed for that door. For Gavin. He almost thought that was Silas standing there when he got to the door, but they were twins, so it would make sense they looked alike, right?
“Uh. Dev?” Because that’s who was with Gavin on the night shift, right? “I’m Rene.”
For a long second he thought the man would turn him away like last time, but instead he got a sudden, warm smile. “Yes, sir. Please. Come with me.”
He followed the big guy down a little hall, his cock throbbing with need.
Dev stopped at a nondescript door halfway along the hall. “Gav? You have company.”
“Ju-just a minute.” There was no mistaking the sound of those moans. None. Rene might never have heard Gavin make them before, but he knew sexual pleasure when he heard it.
He cleared his throat and pointed back to the hall entrance. “You could probably go back to standing guard over there.” Rene would offer to go help Gavin out, but not with his behemoth standing right there.
“Right. Yeah.” Dev rolled his eyes and backed away. Clearly he also knew exactly what was going on with Gavin and what Rene intended. Rene didn’t really care. His focus was on Gavin.
He knocked gently on the door as soon as Dev was out of earshot. “You need a hand?”
“I…hold on. Dammit… come on.”
“I’m in the same straits as you, and if you don’t let me in until you’re done, you’re going to be relieved while I’m still hard as a rock. Which doesn’t seem fair.”
Gavin wrenched the door open, hard, leaking cock in his hand. “Can’t you tell I’m busy?”
His eyes went wide at the sight. He’d never have expected Gavin to let him see that. Not tonight. He’d been hoping for a little mutual masturbation while he sat in the dressing room and Gavin hid in the bathroom or something, if he’d been let in at all. But as Gavin had opened the door, Rene pushed his way in. “I can see. And I can see how you need my help.”
“I… you have to give me a second.”
“You came to the door with your cock in your hand. I think you wanted me to see. I think you wanted me to help.” He walked into Gavin’s personal space. Well, there was a nice surprise—a ring in the tip of that pretty, leaking cock. How lovely.
“You were talking to me,” Gavin pointed out, still holding on to his cock.
“I’d rather be jacking you off.” Rene took another step forward, and Gavin took one back. Then he took two more, and Gavin had his back against the wall with nowhere to run. Perfect.
“I—” Gavin arched as his back hit the cold wall.
Rene was intoxicated by this side of Gavin, this needy, desperate boy. He waited for a long moment, simply drinking Gavin in as he gave Gavin time to protest if he needed to. Rene wasn’t going to force Gavin into anything. When no protest came, he reached for Gavin’s cock. He wrapped his fingers around the hard flesh.
Gavin cried out immediately and humped into his touch, slamming up through his hand. The heat of Gavin’s cock was incredible against his palm.
He pressed in closer, working Gavin hard. “I’ve got you.” Fuck, Gavin was hard and hot and pure velvet against his skin. The unexpected rub of that little ring every time his fingers slid by it could well become addictive.
“Please. Please, God, I ache.”
“Me too. Your music is amazing.” He rubbed his finger across the tip of Gavin’s cock, loving the way Gavin’s precome made everything slick. The ring was warm and so incredibly smooth.
“I want a kiss.” The words growled out of him because he didn’t want to have to ask. He did, though, because after what Gavin had gone through, he deserved to be asked.
Gavin lifted his face, then cupped the back of his neck with one hand and pulled him in for a hard, hungry kiss. He pushed up more firmly against Gavin and squeezed forcefully as he tongue-fucked Gavin’s hungry mouth. Gavin opened up, one low cry after another pushing into Rene’s lips.