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The Center of Earth and Sky Page 4

  “Mmm ... Whit. Was dreaming about you.” Grey didn't open his eyes, didn't seem to really wake up, just reached out and draped an arm over him.

  “Must have been a good dream.” He cuddled close and kissed Grey again.

  “We were making love by the fire, all of us. Was nice.” Grey's eyes fluttered open, cheeks pinking. “Hey Whit.”

  “Hi.” He smiled and rubbed his nose with Grey's. “Raine's making supper. Said I should wake you.”

  Grey took a long, slow kiss, pressing close. “Mm ... you've been kissing Raine, I can smell him on you.”

  “I have. His kisses are ... intoxicating.”

  “Yes.” Grey nodded. “He is special.”

  “Oh ... your eyes shine when you speak about him.”

  Grey blushed, looking so much like Raine. “He is the best of us.”

  “I don't know, Grey. He showed me your pictures ... if he is, I think you bring it out in him.”

  Grey leaned in for another kiss, shaking his head a little. “I should put a shirt on, yes?”

  “Oh, not on my account,” he told Grey, blushing. He reached out and slid his hand over skin that was warm and smooth. Grey's eyes closed, a low rumble sounding. It vibrated through him and he pressed close, let Grey feel the erection Raine had given him. He rubbed his hips against Grey's thigh and his hand against Grey's abdomen.

  “Oh...” Grey reached down, hand sliding over the curve of his ass and pulled him closer. His lips were taken in a deep kiss, low growling sounds pushing into his mouth. He made a soft sound of his own, free hand sliding through Grey's hair. He rubbed harder, feeling the pleasure settle in the small of his back and in his balls.

  “Are you two starting without me?” Raine's voice was happy, teasing. “Come and eat, lovers. It's ready.”

  Grey groaned, tongue pushing deep, hips rocking against Whit. He wanted to protest that he and Raine had in fact started without Grey, so this was only fair, except his mouth was rather occupied and Grey's skin was so warm and firm against him and he was going to be coming very soon.

  Raine laughed, grabbed him around the waist and pulled. “No, no. No pre-dinner orgasms. Those aren't on the menu.”

  “Raine, I'm going to beat you.” Grey's voice was raspy and low and still made his balls ache. Raine leaned over Whit and popped something into Grey's mouth and Grey's face was transformed by a look of sheer bliss. “Okay, forgiven. More?”

  “Oh, I want some of that!” He looked up, mouth open expectantly. Raine chuckled and a piece of pastry was placed on his tongue—buttery and flaky and filled with cheese. It melted in his mouth. “All right, that's definitely worth postponing—not giving up, mind you—an orgasm.”

  He smiled up at Raine, feeling good, turned on and cared for. Hungry for food and sex and knowing he was going to be filled with both.

  “Good answer.” Raine stepped back and stripped off his shirt with a grin. “I'm going to warn you, Whit. We're going to be having finger foods. I'd lose the shirt so you don't get it messy.”

  “Oh! Tapas!” Grey sat up, pushing his hair out of the way. “Perfect.”

  Whit sat up and started undoing his shirt, deciding he'd be more self-conscious being the only one wearing a shirt.

  Grey's fingers stroked along his cheek, followed by a kiss. “I'm glad you came.”

  Then Grey stood and shared a kiss with Raine, the sight natural and breathtaking and incredible all at once.

  This was not convincing him at all that they should eat first and have sex later though...

  Raine backed away with a grin and motioned them to a low table set with tiny pastries and cheeses, fruits and meatballs and grilled vegetables and olives. There were six full plates and a fondue pot with little cakes and strawberries to one side. It looked wonderful. A single huge cushion sat before the table.

  “All that just for three? Grey really does have a hollow leg.”

  “And Raine won't have to cook tomorrow either.” Grey grinned and settled on the cushion. “We're eating with our fingers?”

  Raine pulled Whit down between them. “No, we're eating with each other's fingers, lover.”

  Cuddled between the two, he couldn't think of anything better.

  “Excellent.” Grey reached for a bunch of red grapes, pulling one off and offering it to Whit, rubbing the cold, slick orb against his lips.

  Oh, God.

  His cock jerked. As he opened his mouth, admitting Grey's fingers along with the fruit, he thought he just might come before supper was over. The next grape was dipped in a glass of cold, sweet wine. Grey fed the entire bunch to them, one for him, one for Raine, interspersed with long, lazy, wine-flavored kisses.

  “You next?” Whit asked, picking up one of the pastries that had enticed them out of bed, and he held it out to Grey.

  “Oh, yes.” Grey leaned forward, eating it from his fingers in tiny, delicate bites, lips nibbling at his fingers as those dark eyes closed. A low sound filled the air, all pleasure.

  He licked his lips and then turned and fed one to Raine as well. Raine ate the pastry quickly, taking a moment to suck at his fingers. Both twins, tongues fighting on his skin over the crumbs, attacked the next pastry he picked up.

  Oh, this was fun. He picked up another pastry and held it between his lips.

  Raine got the first bite. Grey got the kiss, pushing him back into the cushions with a soft growl.

  He moaned, hips pushing up, searching for something, someone, to rub against. He was so hungry, but not for food. Hands worked opened his pants, Grey's tongue tasting him deep. When his slacks were pulled away, a trickle of cold liquid fell against his balls. He jerked, moaning into Grey's mouth.

  A hot tongue lapped at his skin, replacing the chill.

  He clutched at Grey's shoulders, fingers digging into warm skin as Raine continued to lick him.

  Again and again the cool liquid fell and was lapped up while Grey devoured his mouth, making his head swim.

  He whimpered. He needed more, oh, please, more. He would have begged aloud but his mouth was full of Grey and he wanted more of that, too.

  “Want to taste him, Grey. Want him.” Raine's voice was needy, hungry, as the condom slid over him, squeezing him. Then Raine moaned and tight heat surrounded the head of his cock. He cried out into Grey's mouth, hips bucking.

  Grey moaned, tongue thrusting into his mouth. One of his hands was pressed against Gray's thick cock, hot and ready and swollen. He curled his hand around it, pulling, stroking in time with the sucking rhythm Rained had going on his cock.

  Someone was making a purring noise that was vibrating between him and Grey and it was awhile before he realized it was him.

  Grey was pushing into his hand, growling into his lips. Dark hair fell all around him, silky and sweet smelling. He was surrounded by sensations, drowning in the scents and tastes and feelings these men offered him. He went under happily, letting it all overwhelm him and bring him to orgasm.

  He cried out, body shaking as he came. He floated, held within the soft comfort of Grey's arms, the candlelight making fascinating patterns on the ceiling. The kiss had faded when hot lips brushed over his hand and then Grey cried out, body shuddering.

  He looked down, gasping as he watched Raine's lips sink over Grey's cock. His dick twitched, trying to come back to life as he watched Raine working Grey hard. They were beautiful—the sounds, the motions. Grey's eyes were stunned and glowing, soft, broken words of love pouring down.

  A shiver worked its way through him and he reached out to slide over Grey's skin, to cup his cheek.

  Grey moaned and nuzzled, pleasure-stoned eyes blinking over at him. “Whit...”

  “Grey,” he whispered, thumb stroking across kiss-swollen lips. “So beautiful.”

  A hot tongue trailed over his thumb, then Grey's lips fastened over it, sucking gently. Then Grey's eyes watched him as Grey came. He saw everything—all the pleasure, the joy, the wonder—in those eyes.

  Oh, he could get used to
this. He could grow to want and need this. His hand slid around to the back of Grey's head and pulled him close, mouth opening as their lips met.

  Sated and relaxed, Grey kissed him for what seemed an hour. The kiss lasted until Raine nudged them apart, offering first Grey and then him a mouthful of sweet red wine.

  Whit slid his hand along Raine's cheek until he was cupping both twins’ heads, stroking the soft hair. “So beautiful, both of you. Raine, will you feed Grey for me?”

  “Anything you want, Whit.” Raine kissed him before snuggling beside Grey in a natural, easy move. Whit knew that this was the position they slept in the huge bed. Raine's left knee nestled atop Grey's hip, cheek on the strong shoulder, hand stroking the muscles of Grey's belly. “What shall I feed him? Strawberries? Brie?”

  “Yes. And melted chocolate, but maybe you should eat that off his stomach or...” Whit flushed, but soldiered on, wanting to watch this. “Or maybe his cock.”

  Grey chuckled, quiet and low, as Raine laughed, rolling over to kiss Whit playfully. Grey sat up, reaching for the strawberries. He offered the tip of a fat, juicy berry to Whit and then rubbed the end over Raine's nipples, making them stiff and wet with juice. Grey's teeth closed over one nipple, even as the strawberry was rubbed against Raine's gasping lips.

  He licked his lips, tasting the flavor of the berry there and the memory of the taste of Raine. It made him moan. He grabbed another berry and bit into it before rubbing it over Grey's belly, leaving a trail of juice that ended with the berry itself in Grey's navel.

  Raine moaned and reached up for the wine bottle, resting in the ice. He pulled Whit in for a kiss and then down with him to drink the rivulets of sweet wine as it followed the trail of berry juice, leaving sparkling drops in the black hair crowning Grey's cock.

  Grey tasted of salt and earth and sweet and grape and he licked long after the wine and fruit were gone, searching out the flavor.

  His lips met Raine's again over Grey's cock, Whit could feel it nudging at his chin.

  “Will you suck him again?” he asked Raine. “Feed from him while I watch?”

  Raine and Grey moaned in concert, bass harmonizing with tenor, a song of pure passion.

  “Yes, Whit. His cock tastes good. Rich, strong, salty like the sea.” Raine's lips met his again and again, clinging, hungry.

  He gasped into the kisses. “And what does your cock taste like Raine? Grey—what does he taste like?”

  “Sweet. So sweet.” The words were short, but the hunger, the want in that dark, deep voice was huge, unending.

  It made him moan, made him want to taste for himself. He settled for watching. “Together. Let me watch ... please?”

  Two dark heads nodded as one and then those eyes met again in a long look. Raine sat up, pulling Whit along, and then curled around his stomach, side resting in his lap. He didn't understand until Grey's heat surrounded his lower back and they were surrounding him, one dark head, one full mouth on either side of him.


  Oh, they kept including him, making him the center of their lovemaking.

  He slid his hands along their thighs, up and down and then slid to their bellies, reaching behind himself for Grey's and in front for Raine's.

  So beautiful. And he was a part of it.

  They undulated around him, berry and wine scented air warmed by the dozens of candles. His head was swimming from the pleasure and the wine and the sweet music of moans and sighs filling the room.

  It was like magic.

  Their soft cries grew louder, the rocking motions more desperate. The air seemed to grow heavier, time slowing as they came all around him, holding him tight in pleasure. A sweet shudder of pleasure moved through him, as if he'd been the one to come. He was panting as heavily as they were, hands resting against hot skin.

  Raine curled into his lap; Grey stroked his back. Slowly and lazily, the bites of food were shared again—a cube of cheese from one dark hand, a dollop of something cream and dill licked off an offered wrist, bites of marinated asparagus nipped from smiling lips.

  “This is wonderful—I don't think I've ever enjoyed Tapas this much.” Whit reached out and touched warm skin, not caring who or where, just needing to touch.

  Warm, wet, chocolate covered fingers trailed along his belly and then Grey's tongue moved to clean it off. He knew it was Grey because Raine was there, nodding, offering him another sweet mouthful of wine.

  He wondered if he could come to know them in the dark, just by touch, by taste, by smell. He hoped he would, hoped to have that chance. For now he got lost in Raine's kiss while Grey's tongue and lips made his stomach muscles jump.

  Grey licked his way up Whit's chest until they were all sharing a wine and strawberry and chocolate flavored kiss.

  “Thank you. Thank you, Raine, thank you, Grey, thank you both.” He murmured the words into their mouths, hoping they would understand how much it meant to him, to be included in their lovemaking.

  “Oh, Whit. Don't go, stay with us. Stay and play.” Raine's voice was soft and seductive. “Let us learn you. Let us touch you.”

  “There's nothing I want more, Raine. Nothing.”

  Grey's lips covered his, dark eyes shining at him. Raine's lips trailed down to his ear. “So beautiful, watching you, watching how he wants you. Watching how sensual you are.”

  “Me? You're the sensual one, Raine. And I'm just a moth to your flame.”

  It was poetic and schmaltzy and the twins brought it out of him. He wanted to quote them poetry. Hell he wanted to write them poetry and discover every single piece of them.

  “And our sweet Grey? What is he?” A hot tongue slid over his ear.

  “Grey? He's what makes you burn, Raine.”

  “You make him want, Whit. You make us need. Make us hungry, with your skin and your eyes.”

  He whimpered, pressed close between them. “I don't want this to end,” he whispered, letting them hear his truth.

  “It doesn't have to. Stay.” Grey looked at Raine, eyes dark and concerned. Raine reached up and cupped Grey's face, as they looked at each other.

  Then Grey's eyes closed for a moment before he looked at Whit with bright, needy eyes. “Stay.”

  He leaned forward, whispering softly “yes” before joining his lips to Grey's.

  Grey's lips opened for him, intensity flaring again as Raine pushed against them, rocking them together.

  Heat, hardness, soft breath and softer lips.

  The taste of wine and strawberries and spices and of earth and sky.

  The sound of moans and breath taken in gasps.

  It surrounded him—they surrounded him, the same but not, making him hard again, making him moan again. Making him need. Raine was whispering, soft seductions about his skin, his taste, how good it felt to have him in their arms, in their home, in their bed, in their lives. It was unreal, that yesterday he hadn't known them, hadn't known they lived here, hadn't known that he had the hole that they filled. He wondered where they'd been all his life and yet couldn't imagine finding them anytime but now.

  They wandered toward the bed, half-drunk and stumbling over sweet, drugging kisses. The bed felt good, soft and warm and god—it smelled like them both, like their skin, their hair.

  “Make love to me,” he asked quietly, whispering the words into Grey's mouth. He repeated them against Raine's stomach—slightly louder, the sounds vibrating between Raine's skin and his lips.

  Raine drew him up into Raine's side, humming and murmuring into his mouth. One of his legs was drawn up to curl over warm thighs as Grey's fingers, slick and hot, trailed over his cleft. “Is this what you want?”

  A soft whimper escaped him, his hips pushing back, searching to deepen the contact. “Yes...”

  “Yes.” Grey's whisper was gravel and sand and need as slick fingers pushed deep inside him, stretching him.

  Raine's voice, so soft and gentle, answered him. “Yes, Whit.”

  He slid his fingers over Raine, face and che
st and abdomen, sliding over the long, hard cock with its drops of liquid heat at the top.

  He explored Raine, waiting for Grey's touch deep inside him. Grey finger fucked him for what seemed like hours, lips moving over the back of his neck while Raine kissed and stroked and moaned and aroused. It had been so long since he'd done this; only once before had he let anyone do this. It hadn't been great. Now he wanted Grey and Raine to do it, he wanted to invite them into him as they had invited him into them.

  He was stretched and pulled as Grey's fingers curled deep inside him, sparking a line of fire up his spine. It made him shudder, made him whimper. Made him beg for more.

  “Are you ready for me, Whit? I want you to tell me what you want.” Grey's voice, Grey's fingers, Grey's tongue were insistent.

  “Yes, Grey. Ready. Oh please I'm ready now.” He pushed back against Grey, voice shivering as Grey's fingers passed over his gland again.


  “Yes, Grey. He's beautiful. His eyes are glowing, lips so full and he tastes like wine and berries and hunger.” Raine's voice was gentle, lips moving over his face.

  A thick, wide pressure pressed against him, asking for entrance. Oh, he'd forgotten the burn and the stretch, wasn't sure he remembered how to do this, so he just closed his lips over Raine's and thought about how much he wanted this.

  Hands moved over his skin, pushing and massaging, insisting that he relax, that he breathe and let them in. So he did.

  Finally Grey's hips were snuggled up against his ass, teeth nipping his shoulder.

  He opened his eyes wide, starting into dark brown eyes. “Raine ... he's inside me.”

  “Yes, Whit. Does it feel good, Grey deep inside you? Touching you? Making love to you?” Raine was smiling, eyes shining at him.

  “Oh, Raine ... yes. So good. So full.” He slid his hand around Raine's cock. “Inside me.”

  “Yes. I'm deep inside you, so tight.” Grey's lips found his neck, pulling steadily as his hips began to move.